Canfield, J and 30 Inspirational authors (2012 04 02). Fractals: Seeing the Patterns in Our Existence. Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live your Best Life Now! San Antonio, TX, Hierophant Publishing, April 2, 2012.
All Authors: Jack Canfield▪Chris Attwood▪Janet Bray Attwood▪Marci Shimoff▪Barnet Bain▪Kelle Sutliff▪Renee Baribeau▪Chantal Herman▪Asia Voight▪Wendy Beyer▪Siobhan Coulter▪Sheila Pearl▪Susan Barker▪Glenyce Hughes▪Robert Evans▪Glenn Groves▪Leslie Gunterson▪Kimberly Burnham▪Liz Byrne▪Tami Gulland▪Susan McMillin▪Debra Hanes▪Stephanie Bennett Vogt▪Lisa Merrai Labon▪Patricia Cohen▪Craig Meriwether▪Marcelle Charrois▪Michelle Manning-Kogler▪Stacy Lee Goforth▪Jacob Nordby▪Tim Anstett▪Randy Davila. Pearls of Wisdom, 30 Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now! a new book by Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, Chris and Janet Attwood, and 25 of the best up-and-coming self-help authors of today, is full of life changing ideas that will better prepare them as they move out into the next phase of their lives! This book contains practical advice on things like the importance of meditation, listening to your intuition, following your passion, the power of forgiveness, gratitude, self-love, and many more life changing ideas that aren’t taught in traditional schools, but are requirements to live a full and meaningful life! Here are some excerpts from the book: “What you love and God’s will for you is one and the same. What this means is that the universe doesn’t play tricks. It’s not a mistake that you love the things you do. By consistently choosing in favor of your passions, you will find that you will naturally have the courage you need to live a fulfilled, successful life, one step or one huge leap at a time.” - Chris Attwood and Janet Bray Attwood "Most people aren’t in the habit of taking good care of themselves and honoring their own needs. Luckily, beginning that process is actually quite simple: you start by becoming aware of those needs. Three times a day, stop what you’re doing and ask yourself, ‘What’s the most loving thing I can do for myself right now? Then pay very close attention to the answer." –Marci Shimoff "Sometimes inspirations occur without our even seeming to ask for them. Other times, we have to ask…then create the quiet space within which to receive them." –Jack Canfield “When I was still a newcomer to the film industry and fighting for my place at the table, I complained one night to an old mentor about the harsh unfairness of Hollywood. He was not buying a word of it. ‘You are forgetting, Barnet. You are not in Hollywood. Hollywood is in you.’” –Barnet Bain "A sometimes forgotten ingredient for experiencing our own powerful destinies is recognizing the patterns within our bodies, the very fabric of our lives. - Kimberly Burnham “Instinctively, we all want to access our inner bliss and live in our natural state of happiness, but unfortunately most of us have forgotten how to do this.” -Siobhan Coulter “I recommend a diet of pure gratitude. Start by observing everything in your life that is working. Give thanks for the eyes that are reading these words…praise the breath in your lungs…and send a mental love note to your faithful heart, which beats more than one hundred thousand times per day whether you notice it or not… The same divine electricity that runs through your body also powers the stars in their eternal journey across the cosmos. In a flash of splendid appreciation, you have tapped that very energy for conscious use in your life now.” –Jacob Nordby
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