Exercise Tip: Blink your eyes as you look around. Ask yourself questions about how many things, what shapes, or colors you see. For example, how many thing do you see that are red or round or chairs? This exercise can increase the speed with which you see and interpret the visual information you see.
A 2017 study in the Journal of Neurotrauma suggests that the peripheral vision reaction time indirectly measures white matter integrity in the posterior corpus callosum [connection between right and left hemispheres of the brain]. This is a brain region frequently damaged by mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). (Womack, K. B., C. Paliotta, et al. (2017). "Measurement of Peripheral Vision Reaction Time Identifies White Matter Disruption in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury." J Neurotrauma 34(8): 1539-1545.) Within seven days after the injury, patients received an MRI scan and a battery of neuropsychological tests. Nine uninjured control subjects received similar testing. The patients 18-50 years of age were included if they had a post-resuscitation Glasgow Coma Scale >13 and an injury mechanism compatible with mild traumatic brain injury. Healthy controls were either age- and gender-matched family members of the TBI patients or healthy volunteers. Researchers found that the patients with the worst white matter levels had the worst test scores and the patients with the most mild white matter deficits had the best test scores. "Patients could be stratified on the basis of crossed-uncrossed difference on the Stroop 1, Controlled Oral Word Association Test, and the obsessive-compulsive component of the Basic Symptom Inventory tests." Reverse engineering the Journal of Neurotrauma article indicates that exercises that increase peripheral vision and exercises that speed up reaction time may encourage white matter integrity and brain healing. ... Request a Free PDF copy of the full article via email Burnham, Kimberly (2017 08 01). "Speed Up Peripheral Vision, Build White Matter ." ABI Magazine, Acquired Brain Injury https://abimagazine.wordpress.com/. Email Kimberly Burnham at [email protected] Mention your top 8 health goals for 2018 for a free report on how you can feel better with easy self-care exercises. [Full Article] https://www.academia.edu/34244903/Speed_Up_Peripheral_Vision_Build_White_Matter Connect with Kimberly Burnham on Social Media or Email for a Free Report on Brain Health Exercises, Mention your top 8 Health Goals for 2018.