Miskito: Miskito (miq), Mískito, Miskitu, Mískitu (miq-000), a vulnerable Amerind, Chibchan, Misumalpan language—"Lamni Laka" (peace), "Lamni daukaya (pacify), "Lalma tani kabuka (peaceful), "Kupia Kumi Laka" (peace, to have one heart), "kupia" (heart), "kumi" (one), "lâka" or "taka" (to double)—Central America (Nicaragua (Caribbean coast to Pearl Lagoon, communities of Kakabila and Raitipura), Honduras (Western Honduras), Mexico).
One Heart Doubled By Peace
"Kupia kaia lâka" or "kupia kumi taka" are translated peace in Miskito or Nicaraguan Creole One heart is doubled in peace "kupia" heart "kumi" is one "lâka" or "taka" means to double Stay watchful of peace and the heart "takaskaia" means to stay while "kaikaia" is to watch
Except from The Meaning of Peace in 8000 Languages.
We are looking for grant money to finish this Peace Project. The goal of the book is to find and understand the word for peace in 8000 languages including the languages of North American Native Americans, Caribbean populations, Central Americans, South Americans, people of the Arctic, Europeans, Central Asians, Middle Easterners, Asians, Oceanic people, Polynesians, Melanesians, Australians, New Zealanders, people of Papua New Guinea, and Africans. Dictionary poetry is poetry create from dictionary entries, example sentences, definitions, and meanings. The dictionary can be monolingual, bilingual, or multilingual. Resources: Stop War, Say Peace: Pace سلام שלום Hasîtî शान्ति Barış 和平 Мир http://www.columbia.edu/~fdc/pace/ Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language, and the Mind (A Daily Brain Health Program) by Kimberly Burnham and the Creating Calm Network Publishing Group B07KDZGSJM eBook $4.99 paperback $14.95 https://www.amazon.com/Awakenings-Dictionary-Language-Health-Program-ebook/dp/B07KDZGSJM/ref=as_sl_pc_qf_sp_asin_til?tag=creatingcalmn-20&linkCode=w00&linkId=e146232c362c0fae93375501741f2bf3&creativeASIN=B07KDZGSJM
Most Popular Central American Languages
1. Spanish Throughout Central America 32 million speakers 2. Mayan languages Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador 4.5 million speakers 3. English Creoles Panama, Belize, Nicaragua 400,000 speakers 4. Miskito Nicaragua and Honduras 180,000 speakers
See the Colors Around You
Look around in Eastern James Bay Cree there are colors all around ᐹᔅᒎᓵᐧᐋᓈᑯᓲ "Paaschuusaawaanaakusuu" it is purple the color of jam ᐸᐦᑖᐅᓈᑯᓲ "Pahtaaunaakusuu" it is brown it looks like the color of a singed beaver ᐅᔖᐅᔑᔔ "Ushaaushishuu" it is yellow it is a little bit yellow ᐧᐄᓴᓱᒥᐦᑯᓲ "Wiisasumihkusuu" it is a flashy, bright red ᒥᐦᐧᑳᐱᔅᑳᐤ "Mihkwaapiskaau" it is stone or metal red ᒥᐦᐧᑳᔅᑯᓐ "mihkwaaskun" it is stick-like red ᐹᔅᒎᓵᐧᐋᓈᑯᓐ "Paaschuusaawaanaakun" it is purple the colour of jam ᐱᒋᔅᑲᓈᑯᓐ "Pichiskanaakun" it is sky blue ᒥᐦᑯᔔ "Mihkushuu" it is pinky-red it is a little red thing ᔑᑯᑌᐅᓈᑯᓲ "Shikuteunaakusuu" it looks orange the colour of a bakeapple berry ᐅᑑᒋᒥᐦᑰᓲ "Utuuchimihkuusuu" it is burgundy-coloured purple the colour of a bruise ᐧᐋᐸᔅᒎᒋᓲ "Waapaschuuchisuu" it is white mud ᐧᐋᐱᑯᓀᐤ "Waapikuneu" it has white feathers ᐧᐋᐱᑌᐅᓲ "Waapiteusuu" it is faded it is greyish like a dog ᐧᐋᓭᒋᓲ "Waasechisuu" it is white and can be seen from afar when the sun shines on it ᐧᐋᓭᔅᑯᓈᑯᓲ "Waaseskunaakusuu" it is turquoise the colour of a clear blue sky by Kimberly Burnham Color and Healing Poetry Challenge Day 21 April 21, 2020 Words from http://dict.eastcree.org/Words
Peace Clicks and Sounds Too Late Listened For
The people the San people of South Africa who speak these words are gone we hear them calling for peace and justice only on recordings now should have listened sooner to the clicks and sounds the speakers of !Ora who said peace "ǂxãĩ-b" craving "!ae" " to calm or quieten down or "ǁʔú" at ease or undisturbed we have silenced them "!nó" or "!nō" to be quiet or silent but there is still time for others in the world Dictionary Poetry by Kimberly Burham Awakenings, Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health and P as in Peace, Paix and Perdamiam: an Inner Peace Journal To Stimulate The Brain by Kimberly Burnham, The Nerve Whisperer, Brain Health Expert, Professional Health Coach for people with Alzheimer's disease, Memory Issues, Parkinson's disease, Chronic Pain, Huntington's Ataxia, Multiple Sclerosis, Keratoconus, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Neuropathy, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries, Brain Health Coaching ... Contact Kimberly Burnham in Spokane Washington (860) 221-8510 [email protected]. ___________________________________________________ ǂ is for ǂxãĩ-b ... Some languages use symbols to represent clicking sounds. In a South African language called !Ora, “ǂxãĩ-b" is the word for peace or to be peaceful. "!nó" or "!nō" means to be quiet, silent, while "!ae" is to calm or quieten down. "ǁʔú" is to be calm, at ease, undisturbed in this now extinct South African language. Play with your tongue in different positions and make a clicking sound. Proto-Khoekhoe (xuu)—"ǂxĩ" (peace, to be peaceful), "ǂxoa" (to criticize obliquely), "!ae" (to calm, quieten down), "ǁʔu" (to be calm, at ease, undisturbed)—South Africa. Nama (naq), Khoekhoe, Khoekhoegowab—"Kxixas" (peace), "ǂkhîb" / "ǂkhî-b" (peace), "ǂ͡χíⁿı̋ⁿ" (peace), "!gaii" (good), "ǂkhī" (to be wild, unrestrained), "ǂkhîsa" (satisfied, contented), "ǂkî" (peace), "!nō" (to be quiet, silent), "ǂkhoa" (to criticize), "ǂkhoa!nâ" (to mediate in (matter), "!gae" or"!gē", "!gae" (to calm, quieten down), "ǁū" (to be calm, at ease, undisturbed), !gaii (good)—Botswana, Richtersveld in South Africa, Cape Khoekhoe, Southern Africa, Namibia. !Ora—"ǂxãĩ-b" (peace, to be peaceful), "!nó" or "!nō" (to be quiet, silent), "!ae" "to calm, quieten down / "warten"), "ǁʔú" (to be calm, at ease, undisturbed, "müde sein")—South Africa. an extinct South African language. One of the three branches of Southern African Khoisan languages including the extinct South African languages !Ora and Gri.
Dictionary Poetry
Dictionaries a kind of a national park for the imagination colorful entries rich details in every example sentence synonyms homonys strange endangered words in a jungle of syllables and letters making the meaning clear or not ripe with potential for peace and communication a result of someone's creativity spining understanding and empathy dictionary poems are all that and more Read More at https://uanews.arizona.edu/story/future-doctors-open-their-minds-poetry
Peace and Calmness
Peace and Peaceful describe a situation an event that is without turmoil, stress or war a situation a quiet still lake with birds calling to each other a land without war planting the land for a future harvest a country road at dusk in the summer when everyone is home getting ready for a family dinner deer grazing in a mountain meadow Calmness is inner peace in the face of conflict a man standing by a still lake focused on his photography rather than the barking dog a mother with a toddler having a tantrum knowing it will pass a speaker excited and confident on their topic a Qigong master in an urban park with the bustle of traffic all around
Kaili Ledo Peace Desire
In Kaili Ledo spoken in Indonesia desire and concern or lack of feelings are juxtaposed with peace and calm "Naino rara" is to crave and desire greatly to be moved or touched by life or beautiful music to strongly want something a relationship a connection and "naino rara" also means to feel at home and peaceful as if when we reach our goals motivated by a strong desire we develop inner peace and a sense of relationship to place "Natinda rara" also means calm and at ease but unlike "naino rara" it has a dark side meaning doesn't care about or is unmoved hard-hearted and unconcerned and yet satisfied as if one can be unconcerned about the feelings of others and still find ease What it also says we don't often know the inner desires and motivations of another person perhaps is it out of fear or lack or worry that one seems not to care about fellow human beings while another achieves greatness and contributes to world peace
The Indonesian Peace Cure
"Nompakabelo" means to make peace but also to cure or to fix in Kaili Ledo spoken in Sulawesi an Indonesian peace cure find the peace cure and fix
Docile Peace
Is calm and peaceful the same as meek and docile? It is in Cocama spoken in Peru, Colombia and Brazil "Iyuru" is to be meek and docile calm and peaceful Cocama (cod), Cocama-Cocamilla, or Kokama--Cocama (cod), Cocama-Cocamilla, Kukama-kukamiria, or Kokama—"Iyuru" (to be meek, docile, calm, peaceful), "Era" (good), "Chinta" (silent), "Chinta-puri" (be silent), "Uwaka-pa" (become) + "Era" (good), "Uwakapera" (totally transformed, become good)—Peru, Colombia and Brazil. Cocama-Cocamilla Quotes "Awa ɨyurun tɨma ikua yumɨra" he who is tranquil does not know how to rage or in Spanish "ya se ha hecho manso" "Wa ɨyurun tɨma ayukaka" people peaceful does not fight or In Spanish "la gente pacifica no pelea" Other languages of Colombia Other languages of South America
Peaceful Intimacy
In Kongo spoken in the Congo "Ngemba" and "Nguba" mean peace there is a saying "dia e nguba akuluka omu tulu" "to eat without fear or anxiety is to be in peaceful circumstances "Ngemba" also means friendship and intimacy as if when we are at peace surrounded by friends we can experience intimacy sharing ourselves fully and taking in food and a world of experiences Or as my nutrition teacher used to say "you can get better nutrition from a hot dog with friends than an organic gourmet meal with people you hate." Kongo—"Kikœndi" (friendship friendliness intimacy, peace), "Ngemba" (peace, friendship, intimacy), "Bunda e Yongo" (peace), "Bunda e ngemba" (to make peace renew friendship spoken of two or three people only), "Luve" (peace, truce), "Vuvama" (safety tranquillity quiet peace), "Eyangala" (gladness joy contentment peace quiet happiness bliss delight rejoicing comfort), "Eyangi" (a peaceful happy contented joyous), "Lembama" (to be tame meek gentle assuaged appeased demure civil calm quiet docile humble to be at peace to lull abate), "Pi i" (is often much prolonged peace quiet tranquillity silence calm), "Butama" (to be quiet silent to abstain from making a noise or disturbance to be at peace), "Moyo", "Moyou", "Kuluka" or "Bwa" (to be calm free from anxiety at peace at rest in one's mind content resigned be composed), "Nguba" (dia e nguba akuluka omu tulu (Proverb), to eat without fear or anxiety, to be in peaceful circumstances) or "Nlekoko" (a moyo or ntima - the absence of all impatience, patience, peace, to be released) —Congo.
The Meaning of "Nyens nyens" (in a peaceful, gentle manner), Nyens nyens (to be sedate, serene, to be sober, calm), Nyenstap (to be quiet, peaceful), "Nyenstap gaus-yis" (peaceful, happy, to be gentle, mild)., "No shi-shenh" (a time of rest or peace), Pyo (to be pleasant, agreeable, delectable, enjoyable;.happiness, peace, joy, bliss, to be happy, to be pleased), "Samlo" (to keep silence so as to insure luck as in hunting, quiet, repose, to enter and be imbedded, to be still, silent, quiet), "Samlo nyens nyens" (quietly, peacefully; be at peace) in Achang (acn), Ngochang - Achang, Ochang, Atsang, a Burmese-Lolo and Sino-Tibetan language of China (Yunnan Province. Dehong Prefecture, Lianghe and Longchuan counties).
Peace and Hunting Luck In Ngochang or Achang spoken in Yunnan China "samlo" means to keep silent so as to insure luck in hunting quiet, repose to enter and be imbedded I imagine a hunter in camouflage hiding in a blind quiet and still not a gun but a camera ready to shoot so all can go peacefully on their way "Samlo nyens nyens" is quietly or peacefully to be at peace while "samsam" is still and quiet but also confidingly and "tsingtsam" is also still and quiet. "tsoek yah" and "nyens nyens" is to be quiet, still and thus orderly like a new world order where everyone finds ways to be at peace "Samlo yaus dah jeis" is quiet, slowly as flowing water as water flows across borders shared or horded polluted or clean it flows from one place to another filling the wells of all of us indiscriminately [More Brain Health Exercises] What are you hunting for that you need luck?
Vrede in Afrikaans
"Vrede" (peace), "Vreedsaamheid", "Sekerheid", "Doodskiet" (calm), "Gerus" (calm), "Gemoedsrus" (peace of mind), "Harmonie" (peace), "Kalm" (calm, tranquil), "Kalmeer" (calm), "Kalmte" (peace), "Pouse" (calm, tranquility), "Rus" (calm, tranquility), "Rustigheid" (peace) "Sekerheid", "Slag" (calm), "Stilstand (calm, tranquility), "Stilte" (peace), "Veiligheid" (peace), "Verneder" (calm), "Verslaan" (calm), "Vrede" (peace), "Vreedsaamheid" (peace), in Afrikaans (afr) close to Dutch spoken in South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland and Zambia. "Goeiemôre Môre Vrede" (good morning peace). Peace is a South African Town "Vrede" is a South African town 60 km south of Standerton 216 km south-east of Johannesburg founded on the farm Krynauwslust in 1863 proclaimed a town 16 years later "Vrede" is peace in Afrikaans one of 11 offical South African languages the name stuck to the town afrter the settlement of a dispute over the proposed site of the town Vredefort another South African town 15 km south-west of Parys 76 km north-north-east of Kroonstad laid out on the farm Vischgat in 1876 proclaimed 5 years later called Vredefort or Fort of Peace "Vredenburg" formerly known as "Procesfontein" or lawsuit fountain 165 km north-north-west of Cape Town 11 km north-north-east of Saldanha given the name Town of Peace in 1875 "Vrede" is also peace in Dutch [More Exercises]
Utzil in Kiche
"Utzil" (peace, blessing, goodness), "Jamaril" (peace, calm), "Uxlanem" (peace) (n), "Uxlanibal" (peace of mind or of the soul) (n), "K’uxajTz’ininik" (be peaceful) (v), "Q’atal tzij" (justice of the peace) (n) in Kiche spoken in Guatemala (Momostenango (as well as its dependent Aldeas of Canquixaja, Nimsitu, and Panca) and Totonicapan (and its dependent Aldeas of Nimasak and Cerro de Oro). Kiche —"Utzil" (peace, blessing, goodness)—Guatemala (Momostenango (as well as its dependent Aldeas of Canquixaja, Nimsitu, and Panca) and Totonicapan (and its dependent Aldeas of Nimasak and Cerro de Oro). [Dictionary] http://www.taterenner.com/engkiche.pdf Planning Peaceful Children Children are not usually associated with peace "utzil" in Kiche, an indigenous language of Guatemala children, kids or the ritual name for good things of marriage is "wuqub utzil wuqub chomal" "wuqub" mean seven as if seven is the perfect number of children seven children is "wuqk’al" it also refers to constelations the Big Dipper is "wuqüb kaqix" the Great Bear (Ursa Major) is "wuqüb kaqix" and a week is "wuqubix apan" "chi" means to multiply as in 7 x 7 "wuqüb chi wuqub" so perhaps "wuqub utzil wuqub" means 7 children bring peace, blessings, goodness Utzil has other meanings as well "utzil -anima’" is charity while favor is "utzil" or "toq’ob" and to keep asking for a favor is "xermij ri utzil" health is "utzil" or "utzil wächaj" and "utzirisaj" is heal the final word in the phrase "chomal" means plan as if planning for peace brings seven kinds of peace for ourselves and children fatness is "q’onq’otem" or "chomal" perhaps also abundance as if a peaceful life is one with plenty and the most useful finger is the thumb "u-chomal q’abaj" meeting is "molim ib" or "chomal" or "mulim ib" and a tree trunk is "chomal che’", "kuta’mil", "che’al" or "kuta’m che’" as if life is better when we plan to walk in the forest with children breathing the oxygen provided by the 7 x 7 trees
This list is constantly being updated. Language—"word" (peace)—Country. I am trying to make it as comprehensive and accurate as possible. Contact Kimberly Burnham with any questions, comments, corrections or additional words.
Free eBook Offer: Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, A Daily Brain Health Program12/23/2018
Brain Health Poetry and Free eBook on December 24-25, 2018....
Before and After Dictionary Poems at Trish Hopkinson A Selfish Poet. Please comment on the blog if you wish. Kimberly Burnham’s most recent book, Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health Program is on free download on December 24-25, 2018 @TrishHopkinson @Selfishpoet #memory #poet #Alzheimers #brain #health
"This paper is a humanities-based inquiry, applying Huizinga's framework of homo ludens ("man the player") to consider "play" in the context of two participatory arts programs (TimeSlips and the Alzheimer's Poetry Project) for people living with dementia. "Play," according to this Dutch historian, is at the heart of human activity and what gives meaning to life. Despite empirical research on play across the life course, play in dementia care is a relatively new idea. In addition, there is a dearth of reports based on humanistic inquiry which has slightly different goals than the growing body of qualitative and quantitative studies of participatory arts interventions. Play is not used to infantilize and trivialize people living with dementia but as a way to explore potential for expression, meaning-making, and relationship-building in later life. The arts programs were conducted at two residential care facilities, Scharwyerveld and De Beyart, in the Netherlands over 10 weeks. Close readings of the transcripts and notes from the programs resulted in three observations: people learned to play again, there is power in playing together, and play often led to expressions of joy. Overall, the notion of play may be a helpful framework for future research into innovative arts-based approaches to dementia care." - Swinnen, A. and K. de Medeiros (2018). ""Play" and People Living With Dementia: A Humanities-Based Inquiry of TimeSlips and the Alzheimer's Poetry Project." Gerontologist 58(2): 261-269. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28329857
A Piece of Peace
Absence of war or other hostilities. considered as a unit or an element of a larger thing, quantity, or class; a portion: a piece of string An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities A coin a ten-cent piece Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: roommates living in peace with each other. A portion or part that has been separated from a whole: a piece of cake. Public security and order the peace. an object that is one member of a group or class: a piece of furniture.
Wlakamigen in Abenaki (North America)
"Wlakamigen" (peace or make peace), "Wlakamigen oka" (make peace), "Okikiamgenoka" (state of being free from war), "Olakamigenoka", "Kamignokawôgan" or "Kamignoka wôgan" in Abenaki (alg) spoken in the N’dakinna homeland (Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, and the provinces of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick areas), United States and Canada, North America.
Recently a written language again
"kev sib haum xeeb" or "kev tiaj tus" or "kev thajyeeb nyab xeeb" is peace in Hmong sometimes it takes a long word sometimes a lot of words to call peace into reality Thaaj yeeb peace in the Green or Blue Miao dialect of Hmong pronounced "tahng ying" one letter different in white "thaj yeeb" orally said "tah ying" or "kev sib haum Zeeb" is peace sometimes spelled "kev siab tus" in the White Miao dialect of Hmong or Hmong Daw at times "nyob kaj siab lug" is used peace in the white dialet A Hmong folktale says Hmong used to have a written language important information written down in a treasured book the tale explains cows and rats ate the book the Hmong language exclusively oral from that point onwards Imagine if a cow or a rat ate your only book what words would you teach your children with no way to check the truth of your words would you make up words and meanings
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Kev sib haum xeeb White Miao dialect of Hmong or Hmong Daw
"Kev sib haum xeeb" (peace), "Kev tiaj tus", "Kev thajyeeb nyab xeeb" or "Ntiaj teb no" in Hmong or Hmoob spoken in China, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. "Thaaj yeeb" [tahng ying] (peace) in the Green or Blue Miao dialect of Hmong. "Thaj yeeb" [tah ying], "Kev sib haum zeeb" (peace), "Kev siab tus" or "Nyob kaj siab lug" in the White Miao dialect of Hmong or Hmong Daw at times. White Hmong spoken in Northern Laos, a Hmong-Mien language.
Memory Exercise:
What word for peace would you choose if you made up your own language? How would you spell "peace" if you had only ever heard the word and never read it? imagine if a cow or a rat ate your only book what words would you teach your children with no way to check the truth of your words would you make up words and meaning Make up a language describe the community that speaks that language what are the words for peace calm quiet tranquil Sometimes it takes more than one word to get the meaning across. It takes a community of peace to write peace in some languages. It is not a bad thing it just takes more people more connections more sounds to call peace into being. Say the word peace in whatever language you would like as loudly as you can. Tell someone about your commitment to peace and to health for yourself and others.
When Laws Collide, Mägaya Peace In Yolngu or Yolŋu Australia (Memory Exercises)
"Mägaya mäwaya" one of the first words we learn a woman in Yirrkala tells peace peace a legal term meaning the state of peace achieved when laws are in place If you've ever been down to a lake or the sea in the morning it's perfectly flat that's " mägaya mäwaya " Law creates that peace you are protected everything is "ŋoy-dharraḏa" emotionally serene at peace calm and burrmiḏi peaceful or "mutitj" calm and peaceful "beḻaŋ" calm and quiet But when two systems of law operate in one community tranquility is not the new conflicts with law and order that's been there in Australia for 40,000 years
Memory Exercise
Visualize a body of water at peace. What does the surface look like? What color are the water and the sky? Are there other people or animals around? Is the water moving or completely still?
Does adding a vowel make a language
there is a saying the difference between a dialect and a language a language has an army Is "pokój" peace in Polish so different from "pokoju" peace in Silesian with it's extra vowel sound No one agrees whether Silesian is a dialect of Polish or a separate language influenced by Polish and German "Pokój" is also peace in Upper Sorbian or the Wendish spoken in Germany and in Slovak uttered in Slovakia same words different languages And then there is an extra consonant "spokoj" peace in Bosnian which most agree is a different language
Pokoju in Silesian (Poland)
"Pokoju" (peace) in Silesian spoken in Poland (Silesian Voivodeship, Opole Voivodeship) and Czech Republic (Moravia–Silesia, Jeseník). "Pokój" (peace) in Upper Sorbian (Wendish) spoken in Germany "Pokój" (peace) in Polish spoken in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia. "Pokój" (peace) in Slovak spoken in Slovakia. "Spokoj" (peace) in Bosnian spoken in Bosnia. |
Medium Blog
Home of the Daily Peace Challenge. Learn about world peace - one word and one language at a time. (c) Kimberly Burnham, 2022 The Meaning of Peace in 10,000 Languages Looking for grant money to complete this peace project Kimberly Burnham, PhD (Integrative Medicine)
860-221-8510 phone and what's app. Skype: Kimberly Burnham (Spokane, Washington) [email protected] Author of Awakenings, Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health and P as in Peace, Paix and Perdamiam: an Inner Peace Journal To Stimulate The Brain Kimberly Burnham, The Nerve Whisperer, Brain Health Expert, Professional Health Coach for people with Alzheimer's disease, Memory Issues, Parkinson's disease, Chronic Pain, Huntington's Ataxia, Multiple Sclerosis, Keratoconus, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Neuropathy, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries, Brain Health Coaching ... Contact Kimberly Burnham in Spokane Washington (860) 221-8510 [email protected]. Chat with Kimberly about Parkinson's, Poetry or other Brain related issues.
Not Taking Advantage of Your Amazon Author's page?
Kimberly Burnham helps authors get their books out into the world more broadly by improving their free Amazon Author's page and book pages, posting a book review on her blog and on her LinkedIn Pulse blog (over 12,000 followers) Promotion packages start at $50. Contact her at [email protected]. See her Amazon Author's Page. See her list of publications including her latest book of brain health meditations, Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health Program. Now Available: AwakeningsPlease share and write a review on Amazon.
Poet-In-Residence Position
I am looking for guest blog opportunities and a position as poet-in-residence. My current project is writing dictionary poems using words in different languages for the English word "peace." You can read some of my poems on Poemhunter . As poet-in-residence I would write poems on different words in different languages and broadcast them throughout the social media blogosphere. Each poem would link back to your site where the word or language appeared. I would expect some sort of stipend and a six month to one year placement. Please contact me for details if your organization is interested in having a poet-in-residence to help get your message out. [email protected] Buy the print or eBook, review Awakenings then contact Kimberly for a free 20 minute brain health consultation. Email or Phone
(Regular rates $120 per hour or 10 sessions for $650.) (Integrative Medicine)