From the Lev Shalom prayer book “Seen through a religious lens, every change in nature is remarkable – each day and night, each season. The ideal of a religious consciousness is to see each of these moments afresh.” Poetry does this also. Over the last couple of years as I read poetry, I have found that Jewish voices are coming forward. More Jews are writing poetry, perhaps as a way to understand the world and find ways to make it and us better. To start today, I will read three poets and then we will see how much time there is left. For each of three poets I will give you a jump offline, a line to get the creative juices flowing. Then you will have 5-10 minutes to write whatever you want, whatever wells up in you, your response, your feelings, what happened this morning before you came here, whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be good; it should be true. I am in a Wild Writing teacher training course and this is what we do. We read a poem and then write and sometimes read what we have written.
I offer poetry writing classes for synagogues and Jewish communities via zoom. I don’t have data to back it up but in talking to people and reading online, I believe Jews are writing poetry and just writing more in the last year than ever before. Poetry is a great way to think about and process difficult situations, as well as understand what brings us joy and healing. What I am Offering A Three (75-minute) Poetry Class Series. (Pick Three Sections, Choices below with examples of poetry) Each community or synagogue can choose which three classes they would like. The suggested cost is $36 per person for the 3-class series or $395 per synagogue or community with a limit of 20 people in the class. Included in the class is the creation of an anthology of the community’s poems. The submission deadline will be one month following the last class. Each participant will be able to submit up to 10 poems for the anthology. The anthology will be available on Amazon as an eBook and paperback. Each person who participates in the anthology will become a published author / poet. Here is Kimberly Burnham's Amazon page: 1. Memoir Poems with Jewish Poets Class. Memoir poems are poems that describe a moment or a feeling or an experience in the writer’s life. This class will engage in a creative writing practice that emphasizes free expression and spontaneity. The goal is to create a space where writers can connect deeply with their experiences and craft their narratives in a judgement-free and organic way. We will use the work of Jewish poets as a jumping off point and model for our poems. Each 75-minute class will explore the poems of five Jewish writers. We will read, listen, write, and then have a chance to share our poems with each other. (There are five different versions of this class featuring different poets). 2. Found Poetry from the Torah Class. Found poetry is poetry created from the words on a sheet of paper, the Torah parsha, a book, an advertisement, anything with text on it. In this class we will explore five readings (several verses) from the Torah and pick out words for our individual found poems. This can be great for B’nai Mitzvah students or someone doing an adult B’nai Mitzvah. 3. Poetry of Jewish Identity and Symbols Class. In this 75 minute class we will explore five Jewish poets who write on identity and cultural symbols, exploring what is important to us about our Jewish identity. 4. Haikus from the Torah Class. A haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry that consists of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. The first line has five syllables, the second has seven, and the third returns to five syllables. Haikus often capture a moment in nature, evoke emotion, or reflect on a seasonal theme. They emphasize simplicity, imagery, and depth, inviting readers to engage with the poem's essence in just a few words. We will explore five Torah parsha and create individual haikus. 5. Jewish Prayers, Praise, and Liturgical Poetry Class. In this class we will explore five texts or poems from the High Holy Day liturgy and use them as jumping off points to write our own prayers, praise poems, and song lyrics. 6. Jewish Persona Poetry Class. Persona poems are poems written by a poet from the perspective of someone else. In this class we will explore persona poems written from the perspective of a family, friends, as well as notable figures from the Torah and Jewish literature. Examples: Humanities Answer by Kimberly Burnham After "Every people is a question which God addresses to humanity." Rabbi Leo Baeck Every person is a question which the universe poses to humanity you and I are the question and the answerers what will we do with the land we hold with our family, with children, step children, adopted children, grandchildren and nieces and nephews with estranged spouses and the love of our life can we hold gently and firmly Every family is a question which the universe poses to humanity your family and mine are the question what will we do to support communication, caring, and rising above even our goals with our schools, sports teams, religious affiliations, at the grocery store and post office in our carts and cars and bicycles where will our feet and dreams carry us Every community, culture, and enclave is a question the universe poses to humanity your community, my culture, our religion are the question will we see what we share or will destroy how we love this world and long for freedom and abundance in our movement, sleeping, work and play how together we seek a higher power whether it is God or a gentle breeze the evergreen forests, clean rivers, fertile earth Every border, river, mountain range is a question the universe poses to humanity this country and that are precious to us the people who live here we are proud of what we have accomplished and created the art, the music, the sustainable economy our care for creatures wild and tame in our environment we wave our flags but we can also see the colors of other symbols Every continent is a question the universe poses to humanity the smallest and the largest still provide for the people some better than others all in different ways we each have a part in the places we live in the footprint we leave in the past the vision we seek in the future Each one of us significant humanities answer to the universe - After the poem, The Essence of Judaism by Rabbi Leo Baeck "This people's true history is a history of encounters with God it has this history for its own sake and for the sake of humanity it bears it and is borne by it. Every people is a question which God addresses to humanity; and every people from its place, with its special talents and possibilities must answer for its own sake and the sake of humanity" Cloth of the Tabernacle by the Letters by Kimberly Burnham another blue becomes cherubim clasps cover cloth crimson copper cubits design Exodus’ edge fine fit folds gold goat hair joined linen loops measurements numbers outermost overlapping purple sides tent and Tabernacle together twisted wool yarn whole ―Words found in Exodus 26:1–13 ( The Fire Out of Control by Kimberly Burnham Plans laid doors shut I won’t be called “the one who lit the fire” There is a fire raging outside not yet burning down my house But a bit of flame may be stuck to me people live in fear of what I might spread The danger is clear the future unknown My experience recognized by the Sages 2000 years ago encouraging words “prevent damages” When there is a contagion in the city one should shut himself in his home For fear of the Angel of Death brazenly controlling the main roads, says the Bava Kama A time so dangerous to open the doors of beloved places precisely when people most want to be here, there, with each other In moments of fear and uncertainty longing to open our hearts the company of others must be denied Even when famine threatens the responsibility of each who lights a fire grows bright Central to our lives the fire lighting Shabbat candles ushers in Then the first thing done when Shabbat is over expressing the centrality of fire in daily activities “When a fire is started and spreads to thorns he who started the fire must make restitution” (Exodus 22:5) But what if there was no intention to harm what if the spread was accidental? What if it travels unseen … regardless he is called “the one who lit the fire” Reach out and call individuals in compliance with the law Think about those in need though we no longer see those needs in person Each responsible no one can say “I blame the quarantine” ―Exodus 22:5 Torah Haikus Make Me a Pattern by Kimberly Burnham a sanctuary the Tabernacle pattern that I may dwell in ―Exodus 25:8–9 Growing Together Haiku by Kimberly Burnham We are all moving strangers grow serving somewhere we can love better ―Exodus 18:3 Workshop Leader, Kimberly Burnham is an award-winning poet, anthology editor, and writer.
Published in over 100 books (Prose, Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Memoir, Inspirational Personal Essay Anthologies), Kimberly Burnham is a writer, poet, and complementary medicine practitioner. She authored Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health Program for people interested in improving their brain clarity, creativity, and muscle function. Her most recent book is the fictional story of a garden seed exchange group, The Red Sunflower Diaries, Why Everyone Should Garden and Share Seeds. She is an avid gardener and environmentalist, who bicycled 3000 miles across the U.S. with Hazon (US Jewish Environmental group) in 2013. An award-winning poet, Kim writes monthly for The Year of the Poet series (over 120 volumes since 2014) and Inner Child Press. In 2019, she was the poet in residence for 2nd Look Books, a Spokane bookstore on the South Hill. Jewish Themed Books by Kimberly Burnham Heschel and King Marching to Montgomery A Jewish Guide to Judeo-Tamarian Imagery by Kimberly Burnham Music Carrier of Intention in 49 Jewish Prayers Co-editors, Rabbi Elizabeth W. Goldstein and Kimberly Burnham share the pages of this Jewish musical essay anthology with 40 other authors, cantors, and rabbis. The Adventure of Jewish History: Poems Found Within The Words of Solomon Grayzel's A History of The Jews These 18 found poems are gathered from within Solomon Grayzel’s book, A History of the Jews From the Destruction of Judah in 586 BC to the Present Arab Israeli Conflict. Found poems are original poems created from words found on the pages of books, novels, dictionaries, magazines, or advertisements in the local newspaper. Please contact her to find poems in your published book. Pekudei: Exodus 38:21-40:38 Journal Your Journey Through a Year of Torah A personal journal with two pages for writing notes on each parsha in the Torah, with extra pages of poetry and inspiration on Pekudei, the 23rd parsha in the Jewish Calendar. This is part of a series of books on each parsha for B’nai Mitzvah students, for a wedding or special event. Personal Essays and Poetry Reform Judaism Jewish Telegraph Agency Kveller Spokesman Review ttps:// Favs News Tiferet Journal Trish Hopkinson The Selfish Poet PoemHunter Contact the author at [email protected] to have her speak to your community or for a blog/podcast interview. Ukrainian Memories by Kimberly Burnham
Today my heart goes out to the Ukrainian people to Kiev where I once stood a traveler, a tourist admiring the beauty enjoying the spirit of the place in 1985 on a journey across the Soviet Union Ukrainian Peace in Russian by Kimberly Burnham A word of peace a moment without guns and tanks Мир “Mir” or “Myr” the same in Ukrainian or Ruthenian spoken in the Ukraine the same as the Russian Мир Vlax Romani in The Ukraine by Kimberly Burnham Not Russian, Not Ukrainian Vlax Romani a simple language of Ukraine Years ago a travelling people came living in peace “tihima” or “тихима” calm and peace in Vlax Romani “štylypén” or штылыпэн also calm and peace for the Romani people Harkening back to Europe and beyond to India “tihima” means “meek” in Slovinian and the equivalent to “blago krotkima” or meek in Serbo-Croatian “tihima” is quiet or silence in Bosnian while the perhaps related word Tihamah in Arabic means severe heat and lack of wind A Romani minority first documented in early 14th century Ukraine struggling to maintain folkways reacting to anti-Romani attitudes We adopted the language and faith of dominant societies Orthodox in most of Ukraine Catholic in Western Ukraine and Zakarpattia Oblast, and Muslim in Crimea Travelers quietly seeking peace among the Ukrainians Yiddish Peace Among Ashkenazi Jews In Ukraine by Kimberly Burnham Peace in Yiddish the language of Ashkenazi Jews פֿרידן (fridn) and שלום (sholem) from Hebrew שָׁלוֹם (shalóm) or שלום (sholem) and שלום עליכם (sholem aleykhem) peace be with you and the male name שלמה (shloyme) a wide range of estimates on the Jewish population in Ukraine 49,000 to 400,000 Three Jews in Ukrainian History by Kimberly Burnham The founder of Hasidism, Rabbi Israel Ben Eliezer the Baal Shem Tov was born and died in Ukraine birthplace of the Hasidic movement the 18th century a spiritual revival movement with a focus on mysticism in opposition to formal and scholarly approach The Baal Shem Tov commentary on “seek peace and pursue it” (Psalms 34:15) the means of making peace and establishing harmony between the material world and the G‑dly life-force that vitalizes it Menachem Mendel Schneerson “The Rebbe” to members of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement born on April 5, 1902 in the Black Sea port of Mykolaiv, Ukraine The Rebbe often quotes Rambam “Jews must realize that the world is suspended in a state of equilibrium between good and evil that the commandment that a person can perform is capable of tipping the scales to the side of good this enormous individual responsibility for the fate of the entire world must guide each Jew in his everyday life” Famous writer Sholem Aleichem “Fiddler on the Roof” born in the shtetl of Pereiaslav, south of Kyiv likely modeled the musical after shtetl life the real name of this “Jewish Mark Twain” Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich his pen name Sholem Aleichem literally means “peace be with you” Č as in Peace, Pače, and Pače
“Pača” peace in Judeo-Italian Italkian or Bagitto the old dialect of the Leghorn Livorno Jewish community, Italy “Pače” in Italian “Č” sounds like “ch” as in charm, chocolate or child a letter used in Berber, Syriac, Bosnian, Croatian, Slovenian, Montenegrin, Macedonian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian Bulgarian, Czech, Sorbian, Skolt Sami, Judeo-Italian, Lakota and Saanich alphabets the equivalent of the Pashto “چ” and Cyrillic “Ч”. Pača (peace) in Judeo-Italian or Italkian or Bagitto―Pača (peace from “Pače” in Italian) “Scialom” (an Italian spelling “Shalom” (peace) in Hebrew)―Italy (Bagitto is the old dialect of the Leghorn=Livorno Jewish community, Italy). Shalom Solomon name variations in European languages: Alamont, Aumond, Calama, Chalom, Laumont, Salaman, Salamon, Salem, Salemanus, Salimen, Salinger, Salman, Salmang, Salmannus, Salme, Salmen, Salmon, Salmonaba, Salom, Saloma, Salomson, Saulmon, Schaulom, Schlam, Schlomen, Schlumen, Scholem, Scholum, Scialom, Sellam, Shalom, , Shlomo, Sollomon, Solomonowicz, Suleyman, Zalheim, Zaling, Zalinger, Zalkin, Zalkind, Zalman, Zeling Shalom Solomon in Judeo-Italian Scialom, Chalom, Shalom Jewish names derived from Shalom according to researchers of ANU Museum of the Jewish People “Scialom” an Italian spelling Shalom the Hebrew for peace like the family name Solomon derived from the Hebrew Shlomo man of peace rooted is Shalom Distinguished bearers of the Jewish family name “Scialom” Tunisian physician David Dario Scialom (1880–1966) from the Grana Jewish community Jews from Livorno, Italy who settled in Tunis since the 16th century a specialist in tropical diseases “Scialom” a Jewish surname A. de M. Scialom of Italian nationality in a list of commercial enterprises established in Tunis in 1865 and the councillor Victor Scialom born 1871 in Tunis Arabic forms of Solomon Sellam, Saloma, Calama and Suleyman in the mid-20th century In Spain and Greece and Tunis Shalom ia Jewish family name 15th century Spanish philosopher and translator Abraham Ben Judah (Ben Itzhak) Shalom 16th century with the Greek-born Eretz Israel rabbi Abraham Shalom 18th century a Jewish family name on a ‘ketubbah’ from Tunis June 19th 1788 Lea, daughter of Daniel Shalom and her husband Jacob, son of Madochee de Paz “paz” peace in Spanish In Central and Eastern Europe mid-20th century Variants like Salaman, Salmen, Zalman, Zalkind, Zalkin, Zalheim, Zaling, Zalinger, Salinger and Zeling became frequent Polish variant Solomonowicz meaning “Solomon’s son Frenchified to Alamont In France Solomon 7th century Salmon (1290), Saulmon (1306), Salmannus (1334) and Salamon (1388) mid-2oth century Solomon families changed their names to Aumond and Laumont In Alsace (northeastern France) Salme, Schlomen, Schlumen Scholum and Schaulom in 1784 In Germany Salman in 1090 Salemanus in 1200 Scholem in 1495 Schlam in 1717 Salmang in 1831 In the Netherlands Salem in 18th century In Italy Salmonaba in 1715 In North America Sollomon in 1668 in America Salimen in 1798 in America Salomson in 1855 in America In the Dutch Antilles Salom in 1713 in the Antilles Hey Friends, I am trying to raise $5,000 for a poetry teacher training in 2025. Below are some of my offerings. Read to the end for a free gift. Please email me at [email protected] for more information or to purchase. Payment (prices in U.S. Dollars) can be made on Venmo, PayPal, Facebook messenger, check or Zelle. Please follow me on Amazon for information on upcoming publications at Including poetry writing (found poetry, ekphrastic poetry, a cento and more), coaching, publishing, co-authoring a nonfiction book with a teenager for their college application, and signed copies of my books. One Poem Written for a Special Occasion ($10) 200 available (July 1 - Dec 31, 2024) One poem on any topic of your choosing for a special person or special occasion. Written by Kimberly Burnham. A "Remembering The Future" Poem For You ($15) 200 Available I will write a "Remembering the Future Poem" for you from a list of 8 goals and additional comments you want it to be based on. (see end of the post for something free). "Remembering the Future" poems are written as if you are remembering the accomplishment of your goals. It is written as if the goals, dreams and desires have already been accomplished. Send me eight goals you have for your health, your family, your business, or work life, plus any comments you want to add and I will write you a poem as if you are looking back on your life and you have already accomplished your dreams. Share with me what you want, your goals, dreams, desires as well as what you have tried that has helped and what seems to be stopping you from success. I will need this information at least one month before I email you the poem. Five Poems on a Topic of Your Choosing ($25) 100 available I will write 5 poems on any topic of your choosing. I can also write your prose stories into poems. This can be added on to the Found poetry package for authors, the Ekphrastic poetry package for artists, the B'nai Mitzvah package or can be a 5 poem stand alone package as a gift for a loved one or family member. Tell me a story and I will write it into a poem. See an example at This can also be chosen more than once, if you wanted 20 or 30 or more poems for a special occasion. Signed Copy of Three of My Books ($30) (Plus $10 for S&H in US, $30 for S&H anywhere in the world.) 200 copies available. I will send a signed copy of one of my books (your choice) including *Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind (Peace in 10,000 World Languages with Visualizations and Brain Health Exercises) *Parkinson's Alternatives: Walk Better, Sleep Deeper and Move Consciously; Solutions from Nature's Sensational Medicine *The Red Sunflower Diaries: Why Everyone Should Garden and Share Seeds *Heschel and King Marching to Montgomery A Jewish Guide to Judeo-Tamarian Imagery *Trees, Healing, and You: Poems, Stories, & Other Empowering Tools *A Woman's Place in the Dictionary: A Collection of Dictionary Poems *Music, Carrier of Intention in 49 Jewish Prayers *Search for the Magical Multilingual Frog: A Tale of Ribbit in 50 Languages Plus one poetry book or anthology of my choosing AND a copy of the mini book, Our Fractal Nature, A Journey of Self-Discovery and Connection, Psychology Meets Science 90 min Presentation on Gender Binary and LGBTQ ($90) 5 available This can be a conversation with one or more people or a presentation to a book group or other kind of community on the impact of changing gender norms, the attempts to legislate love and the LGBTQ community as illustrated by my experience as a butch lesbian with a trans stepson. I am also happy to talk about my book of poetry, Live Like Someone Left the Gate Open. . This chronicles my story of coming out as a lesbian, leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) and later converting to Judaism and marrying a woman rabbi. I am currently working on a memoir entitled, Mistaken for a Man, A Story for Anyone Struggling to Feel Comfortable in Their Own Skin, Clothes, and Community. This book contains both prose and poetry. 90 Minute Presentation on The Peace Project ($90) 5 available The Peace Project is a search for the word for peace in every language in the word. I currently have found about the word for peace, paix, heping, damai, k'e, vrede, etc. in about 5000 languages. I have written over 1000 poems about the nuanced differences in meaning, dictionary poems which look at the words before and after the word for peace in different languages as well as synonyms and homonyms for peace. In some languages the word for peace is also translated: cool liver, soft heart, quiet, legible, my heart sings, sitting down in the heart and many more. I am happy to discuss this with individuals, book groups, linguists or any community. A Cento Poem for Poets ($100) 20 available Offer for poets and authors, I will write a cento poem from your published poetry book or up to 25 unpublished poems. This cento can be used for marketing and on social media. A cento is a specialized found poem where one line is taken from each poem in a collection. See one here created from one line per poet in this anthology. See an example below. Plus I will send you an eBook copy of Finding Poetry, How to Write Found Poems and Use Them in Book Marketing. This is a great gift item for a poet. I need to have the title or book copy or collection of poems at least 1 month before delivery. Brain Health Coaching Call ($150) 50 Available 2 Forty minute Brain or Vision Health Coaching Calls I will do two 40 minute brain health coaching call, including discussion of exercises and visualizations from complementary and alternative medicine that can help with Brain Health, Vision, and Chronic Pain. Plus a copy of one of my health related books: *Parkinson's Alternatives: Walk Better, Sleep Deeper and Move Consciously; Solutions from Nature's Sensational Medicine *See Faster, Vision Exercises for Basketball Players: Shoot Precisely, Score More, Dribble Faster, Pass Accurately, and Contribute to Your Team *See Faster, Vision Exercises for Soccer Players *Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind *Trees, Healing, and You: Guided Imagery, Poems, Stories, & Other Empowering Tools Writing, Poetry or Publishing Coaching ($150) 10 available 2 Forty minute Writing Coaching Call to Work on Your Prose / Poetry I will do two 40 minute zoom or facetime call with you and work with you on your writing, poetry, or publishing projects. I will read and give feedback on up to five pages of text, prose, or poetry via email. Twenty Found Poems from a Published Book ($180) Offer for book lovers and published authors, I will write 20 found poems from your published book which can be used for marketing and on social media. Found poems are written by a poet based on words that already exist in a page of text, such as a book, marketing copy, newsletter, newspaper, or magazine. Visual poetry is a found poem with additional artwork covering the unused words. See examples at Plus I will send you an eBook copy of Finding Poetry, How to Write Found Poems and Use Them in Book Marketing. This is a great gift item for a published author. I need to have the title or book copy at least 1 month before delivery. Twenty Poem Offer for Artists ($180) This is an offer for artists, photographers, and sculptors, I will write 20 ekphrastic poems based on your artwork which can be used for marketing and on social media. Ekphrastic poems are poems written in response to artwork, paintings, sculptures, photographs, etc. See examples at (see an example below) Plus I will send you an ebook copy of Using Ekphrastic Fiction Writing and Poetry to Create Interest and Promote Artists, Writers, and Poets This is a great gift for the artist in your life. Twenty Poems for a B'Nai Mitzvah Torah Portion ($200) 10 available Great gift for B'nai Mitzvah students and their families. I will write 20 poems from your B'nai Mitzvah portion, your drash, or Torah topic of your choosing. See Achrei Mot-Kedoshim (use the read a sample feature to see some of the poetry); Metzora; Pekudei or any other Torah Portion. Plus I will send you a copy of Heschel and King Marching to Montgomery A Jewish Guide to Judeo-Tamarian Imagery (Fiction: Star Trek Meets Judaism) This is a fun gift for a B'nai Mitzvah or their family or for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah anniversary gift. I need to have the Torah portion and details you would like included at least 2 months before delivery. Customized Children's Book ($500) 3 available for 2024 I will publish a Children's Story Featuring Your Grandchildren's Names and interests. I will write and publish a short adventure children's book on the topic of your choosing and include the names of your grandchildren as characters in the book. Plus a signed copy of Search for the Magical Multilingual Frog: A Tale of Ribbit in 50 Languages see it at . You provide the names of characters and overall topic and I will write a story and publish it and send you two copies. Your Book Published on Amazon in Print and eBook format 2025 ($850) 3 available for 2024 Book Publishing Package on Amazon (Print & eBook) Your Book Published on Amazon in 2024-2025 I will publish your book of poetry on Amazon for you as a print book and ebook (250 pages or less) I will set up accounts for you so that all future royalties go to you. Copyright will remain with you. This offer includes working with you on cover design, book interior from a WORD document, layout, and marketing. See books I have published for myself and others at Here are three books I have published lately: Eyes in the Back of Your Head, A Toolbox of Exceptional Classroom Management Strategies by Larry F. Gregory and Marcie Belgard. Keys of My Life: A Memoir by Carla Olman Peperzak (I am currently working on a second book for Carla Peperzak.) Take Your Cookies When They’re Passed Co-Authored Non-Fiction Book ($850) 3 available I am happy to co-author a non-fiction book for an adult, teenagers, or a child. A published book makes a great item on a college application along with the knowledge of all of what goes into writing and publishing a book. I will teach my co-author how to take a WORD document and turn it into a book. Includes a copy of Write a Book in a Year: A Publishing Class for Children Age 10-15 and My Book: Self-Publishing, a Guided Journal, Write Your Memoir Today Free Gift $0 First 50 Requests Free Gift: Please share this post and contact me at [email protected] for an inspirational "Remembering the Future Poem." Please send me 8 goals, what you have tried, what has worked. I will write you a poem written in the future present as if you have accomplished the goals already. This is an energy medicine approach to health. Your brain and body hear that the goals have been accomplished and finds a way to do it. (see above). Cento Poetry
A Good Day by Tal Shavit
Poetry Poetry Tal Shavit is a writer, lover and traveler. She is a serial social entrepreneur, co-founding various startups and NGOs, in the realms of female leadership, education, technological art, health and impact tech. She was previously the director of the nonprofit Seeds of Peace in Israel, working for over a decade to support efforts towards finding a solution to the conflict in the region. She currently works with executive teams and individuals on Heart Centered Living and Intuitive Decision making. Tal is a practitioner and teacher of Yogic Sciences and Meditation, choosing again and again, to live life from the heart. A Bit About the Story Before We Begin (Prologue)
‘Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra’ is the most famous Tamarian allegory or phrase. It can be translated into Judeo-Tamarian as ‘Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and Martin Luther King Jr. marching from Selma to Montgomery.’ Both phrases portray friends from different backgrounds working together to overcome a common problem or challenge. In the Star Trek Universe, the Tamarians speak an allegorical language, which needs context or the backstory to make the meaning clear. Like Yiddish or Judeo-German, which grew out of contact between Hebrew speakers and Germans, Judeo-Tamarian is a new language that has grown from the first interactions between Tamarians and Jews. It breathes new life and meaning into history and is an original way of looking at the old. For Jewish Trekkies: I see you. You are speak my language. I am a longtime Star Trek fan, a convert to Judaism and I geek out on linguistics. For Non-Trekkies or Non-Star Trek fans: There are a few things you will want to know before I tell this story. ▲ Tamarian is a constructed language (conlang) created for the Star Trek or Paramount franchise by Joe Menosky. An allegorical language, it requires knowledge of the story behind the words be understand. Tamarians are a race of people who live on the planet Tama in the Star Trek universe. ▲ Despite it being a constructed language, linguists and academics study Tamarian. Some of those real people are quoted in this book. ▲ The Universal Translator is technology from the Star Trek universe that can translate from any language in the universe into English. It translates word for word, so idioms or Tamarian (a story-based language) are difficult to understand, even if you have a translation of the words. ▲ Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Star ship Enterprise featured in Star Trek the Next Generation first comes in contact with the Tamarians in the famous Darmok episode. ▲ Dathon is the first Tamarian that Captain Picard comes in contact with and together they fight the beast on another planet, El Adrel. ▲ Artok is a Tamarian or a being from Tama, who is first introduced in this story. For Non-Jews: Here are ideas that come up in this story. ▲ Wherever Jews go in the world they communicate with people who speak different languages and sometimes a third language develops. These new languages are often called Judeo-______. For example, when the Jews started moving to Spain in 70 C.E. after the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem, they came in contact with Spaniards and Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) developed. Yiddish could be described as Judeo-German. These are real languages, currently spoken by humans on earth. ▲ Judeo-Tamarian, like Tamarian, is a constructed language from the mind of the author. ▲ The idea that all Jews in history were at Mount Sinai (in Egypt) for the giving of the Torah, including the 10 Commandments is a real myth that Jews talk about. ▲ Many phrases in Judeo-Tamarian are taken from stories in the Hebrew Bible (Torah, also called the Old Testament). Join Artok, a being from the planet Tama and an earth human Jewish convert, named Kimberly, at the foot of Mount Sinai just before the giving of the Torah, on an adventure through Jewish history including the meaning of Heschel and King and how people from completely different cultures learn from each other about love, inspiration, communication, and how to live better lives. The famous Tamarian metaphor, ‘Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra’ is meaningless without context or the background story. This is just one of the many Tamarian metaphors that have been translated into Judeo-Tamarian like ‘Rebekah with the pitcher at the well.’ Learning a new language can teach us about our own language, culture, and belief systems. You don’t have to be Jewish or a Star Trek fan to enjoy Heschel and King Marching to Montgomery, A Jewish Guide to Judeo-Tamarian Imagery. In the Star Trek universe, because of it’s allegorical basis, Tamarian eludes the Universal Translator technology, which translates the phrases word for word but without the story behind the names of places and people, the language is incomprehensible. Based on their shared history and mythology, when Tamarians say “Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra“, they all know that means “cooperation, communication, or friendship as a result of shared struggle, and working together.” “A myth always refers to events alleged to have taken place long ago. But what gives the myth an operational value is that the specific pattern described is timeless; it explains the present and the past as well as the future.” ~ Claude Levi-Strauss, anthropologist. Note: This book has no connection to Star Trek or Paramount. Joe Menosky originally invented the Tamarian language of allusions and metaphors for the Star Trek franchise. Like all languages, Tamarian has changed over time in response to new ideas, contact with new cultures, and technologies. Judeo-Tamarian developed from contact between the children of Tama and the children of Israel. Love Language in Heschel and King, Marching to Montgomery, A Jewish Guide to Judeo-Tamarian Imagery2/24/2024 From Heschel and King Marching to Montgomery A Jewish Guide to Judeo-Tamarian Imagery by Kimberly Burnham
Love Walking Among Blossoms, an excerpt “What is the Tamarian (allegorical Star Trek language) way of expressing love?” I asked Artok in the early afternoon as we waited and shared some bread, goat’s milk, and some honey that one of the Tamarians had found. “We have many ways of expressing love but what is even more interesting is the kinds of love in the Torah. It is like the Inuit word for snow. Inuits have many words for snow. Jews are highly attuned to love, in its many forms.” “In Judeo-Tamarian we describe love that is difficult to give as, ‘Joseph climbing out of the pit.’ (Genesis 37: 23-24). It is a completely different kind of love than, ‘Abraham with knife in hand.’ This could be translated into English as the love a parent has for their child. In Judeo-Tamarian a synonym would be ‘Hannah silently praying at the temple.’ (1 Sam.1:12-13). Like many synonyms there are slight differences between the love for a child that may die and the love for a child you hope to be born and live but both are the love of a child.” There are also different kinds of romantic love in Judeo-Tamarian. There is costly, risky, dangerous, even sinful love as in, ‘Samson and Delilah’ (Judges 16:4-8) or ‘David and Bathsheba’ (2 Samuel 11–12). It can also be said as in Proverbs 9:17 ‘Stolen waters are sweet.’ Artok was on a roll as he explained all the different ways to translate love. “Love where there is a power differential, Song of Songs 4:8, ‘the captured heart.’” Artok continued, “True love, what I think of as true love is translated either, ‘Isaac and Rebekah dancing in Beersheba’ (Gen. 24:67) or ‘Jacob for Rachel tending the fields of Laban’ (Gen. 29:20). This is the kind of love I have with my wife,” said Artok. “I would do anything for her, but she would never ask me to do something harmful to myself or others. In Tamarian, we say this, ‘Ameno and Delet walking among spring blossoms.’” “I have that kind of love, too,” I told Artok. “It is fiery and fierce, not always easy but continuously wonderful.” “I understand,” said Artok, “In the Torah there are so many different kinds of love that I have an assistant whose whole job is to read through the Torah and find all the different kinds of love that are shown. He is translating them first into English and then looking for a Tamarian phrase to do each one justice.”
"This little book is a real jewel. Jason’s expression of nonduality includes duality. It includes being a person. It includes everyday life. It includes shadows and uncertainties. And it includes suffering and desire, not as problems we can eventually transcend, but as integral aspects of the very fabric of existence. Instead of seeing desire, or clinging, as something we must transcend, Jason sees it as how the universe holds together and functions. The cessation of suffering, in his view, “has to do with the integration of light and dark.” Instead of the transcendent, idealized, purist vision that views certain aspects of reality as superior to others, this is a down-to-earth, all-inclusive, fully-embodied approach. “In a world of uncertainty, awakening does not bring the hoped-for certainty we longed for. Mystery remains. Wildness remains. Danger remains. Vitality and freedom remain as well.” And awakening is never finished. It is on-going. I highly recommend this little book. "
–Joan Tollifson, Author of Nothing to Grasp
Words of Peace
Manobo, Agusan Manobo (msm)—"Linow" (peaceful), "Hagtong" (quiet, peaceful), "Hagsay" (good, peaceful, well-made, of places and things), "Ajum'-ajum" (pacify), "Tam'pudà" (peace pact between two parties), "Manam'pudà" (person who acts as a go between for feuding parties), "Dugkut (peace agreement), "'Bilà" (peace agreement between feuding parties.), "Tam'pudà" (peace pacts)—Agusan River Valley, Philippines. Romani (rmn) [rɒməni]., Romany, Fomani čhib (“Romany tongue”), řomanes (“in a Rom way”), Gypsy (Gipsy), Romanes—"Mir" (peace), "Miro" (peace), "Kotor" (piece, patch, part), "Spokojstvo" (peace), "Spokoj" (peace of mind), "Paz" (tranquility), "Rahatipe" (peace), "Patcha" (peace), "Shand" (peace)—Europe. Mbula—"Kete-iluumu" (at peace, calm, quiet, literally liver cool), "Taun" (calm weather (with no wind), peace after a fight, quietness), "Talŋa- iluumu" (have relief from listening to an unpleasant sound, have peace from (literally ear become cool), takamam mbulu luumuŋana mi itiŋan waende bizin taparlup ti ma tewe tamen (peace, literally "together with our associates and friends, we will unite and become one)—Umboi Island and Sakar Island in the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. Gaelic Scottish, Scots Gaelic or Gàidhlig (gla)—"Sìth" (peace) or "Saucht" (reconciled, at ease, in peace, tranquility) or "Sìochadh" [ʃiəxəɣ] ((act of) assuaging, composing, settling, calming, (act of) growing composed/calm, (act of) pacifying, peace) or "Sìochaint" [ʃiəxaNʲdʲ] (peace, peacefulness) or "Socair" (ease, rest, tranquility, comfort, mildness, prop, pillar, rest, assuagement, leisure, peace), "Réidh" [re:] (peace, flat, level, even, smooth, finished, be on good terms, free, reconciliation)—Scotland. Jewish Malayalam—"Samadhanam" (peace), "Shalom" (peace)—Kerala, India, Middle East, Israel. Hebrew (heb)—"Šālôm" or "Shalom" / שלום (peace) in Hebrew spoken in Israel and used liturgically around the world, "Shalom aleikhem" [ʃəˌlɒm əˈleɪxəm] or שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם / "shālôm ʻalêḵem" (peace be upon you]—Middle East, Israel, America, Liturgical.
Last week I wrote a series of poems based on current events, on the Supreme Court ruling against religious freedom.
One poem "Preferring One Religion Over Another" is up at Poetry24, a UK based Online Magazine where "News is the Muse." The poem was written in response to the Supreme Court ruling against freedom of religion for all when they ruled that a death row inmate in Alabama only has the right to have a Christian minister present regardless of the inmate's religious affiliation. This impacts Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Shintoists, Sikhs, Jainists, Animists, Panentheist, Rastafarians, Deists, Daoists, Hindus, adherants of the Baha'i Faith, Native American religions, Wicca, Druidry, as well as atheists, agnostics and humanists and all the other non-Christian religions in America.
From the ACLU, "Justice Elena Kagan noted in dissent, “profoundly wrong.” It is also the latest example of a disturbing trend of religious favoritism, in which minority faiths — particularly Islam — are given second-class legal status."
In some languages there is a lingustic relationship between "peace" and "tame." Read more here on the Raising Consciouness Now Blog and download a free copy of Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language, and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health Program on Feb 14, 2019. Tame the Love and Share your thoughts?
Peace in Kongo Kongo or Koongo (kng)—"Kikœndi" (friendship friendliness intimacy, peace), "Ngemba" (peace, friendship, intimacy), "Bunda e Yongo" (peace), "Bunda e ngemba" (to make peace renew friendship spoken of two or three people only), "Luve" (peace, truce), "Vuvama" (safety tranquillity quiet peace), "Eyangala" (gladness joy contentment peace quiet happiness bliss delight rejoicing comfort), "Eyangi" (a peaceful happy contented joyous), "Lembama" (to be tame meek gentle assuaged appeased demure civil calm quiet docile humble to be at peace to lull abate), "Pi i" (is often much prolonged peace quiet tranquillity silence calm), "Butama" (to be quiet silent to abstain from making a noise or disturbance to be at peace), "Moyo", "Moyou", "Kuluka" or "Bwa" (to be calm free from anxiety at peace at rest in one's mind content resigned be composed), "Nguba" (dia e nguba akuluka omu tulu (Proverb), to eat without fear or anxiety, to be in peaceful circumstances) or "Nlekoko" (a moyo or ntima - the absence of all impatience, patience, peace, to be released) —Congo. Peace in Aramaic Jewish Aramaic, Judeo-Aramaic (jud)—"Mšyn / "mǝšayyan" (peace-loving; tame), "Mšynˀyt" (peacefully, in tranquility), "Mšynw, Mšynwtˀ, Mǝšayyənū, Mǝšayyənūṯā" (making peace), "Mšynn, Mǝšayyənān, Mǝšayyənānā" (peacemaker; peaceful), "Mštyn, Meštayyan" (peaceful, reconciled), "Sḥy" (to be calm), "Rkykˀyt, Rakkīḵāˀīṯ" (softly, calmly), "Rmysw, Rmyswtˀ, Rmīsū, Rmīsūṯā (calmness), "šdk" (to be calm)—Middle East. Peace in Tiriki Tiriki—"Khuhonjeritsa (quiet, soothe, calm, tame, make peace, pacify) Mulembe (peace, a common greeting) —Abaluyia of Western Kenya. Peace in Wanga Wanga—"Omulembe" (peace), "Okhuhotseresia" (quiet, soothe, calm, tame, make peace, pacify)—Abaluyia of Western Kenya. Peace in Abaluhya Abaluhya, Baluhya, or Abaluyia—"Omulembe" (peace) or "Amani" (peace)—Kenya.
In his translation of the Islamic Sufi poet, Rumi, Coleman Barks says, “Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’ doesn’t make sense anymore.”
I am trying to find that place in my life in Spokane. In Ethics of the Fathers 1:14, Rabbi Hillel said, “If I am not for me, who is for me; and if I am (only) for myself, what am I. And if not now, when?” Now is the time to be for myself and to open my eyes to those around me. I say it like a mantra these days. For over fifty years Jews and Muslims have lived side by side in Spokane, Washington. In the last couple of years both communities have invited their neighbors to events at the synagogue and Islamic center. Meet the Neighbors programming, Kosher Dinner, Friday Night Services and Prayers, Ramadan Dinner and Prayers. We are each learning and making space for the each other to see that we can't be only for ourselves. Last year Jews and Muslims created a chapter of the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom. Jews from the Reform Congregation Emanu-el, the Conservative Temple Beth Shalom and unaffiliated Jews joined with women from the all parts of the Muslim community. Each month we eat together and talk and get to know each other. Politics in the United States and in the Middle East are not something we discuss and yet for myself politics and the hate rhetoric in this country today are the reason I have joined a group meant to foster understanding and respect. What I see around me in the news has galvanized me, even compelled me to look outside myself and join communities that encourage peace and acceptance. This May both communities are celebrating and learning about each others' approach to God. I recently got an email from the national founders of the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, Sheryl Olitzky and Atiya Aftab. "For Muslims, the month of Ramadan has begun—a time of fasting, prayer, charity, and contemplation. Our fasts during Ramadan are a means to strengthen our faith and work towards the betterment of our society. We wish our Muslim brothers and sisters, Ramadan Mubarak, to have a blessed Ramadan. For Jews, we observe the holiday of Shavuot—an ancient harvest festival that also marked the revelation of Torah at Mt Sinai. It has been said that the entire Torah exists for one purpose, to establish justice. As we celebrate the giving of Torah, we recommit ourselves to the repair of the world. To our Jewish sisters and brothers, we send a greeting of Chag Sameach, to have a joyous festival." The first synagogue in the state opened in Spokane in 1892, but the city's Jewish history began even before the little village of Spokane Falls existed. History Link put it this way: "In 1879, Indians told Simon Berg, the first known Jewish resident, that he was not the first "egg-eater" they had met. Apparently, other Jewish traders observing the kosher dietary rules had visited before. Berg built a store in tiny Spokane Falls in 1879 and by 1885 he had been joined by at least a dozen other Jewish merchants. The town's first Jewish services were held in a private home in 1885. In 1890, the Jewish community met to organize a Reform congregation, called Congregation Emanu-El. On September 14, 1892, they dedicated their synagogue, Temple Emanu-El, the first in the state by four days, since Seattle's Ohaveth Sholum opened within a week. Jewish merchants and financiers played a key role in the development of Spokane during its early decades. A second congregation, the Orthodox Keneseth Israel congregation was formed in 1901. Both congregations thrived until they merged in 1966 and built a new, modern temple, the Temple Beth Shalom. It remains the center of Spokane's Jewish community today. The city's Jewish population has remained steady through the decade, yet is estimated at less than 1 percent of the metropolitan area's population." Spokane Islamic Center was founded in 1979 and serves over 1100 Muslims in the Greater Spokane area. Our community is very diverse and is composed of various ethnicity and backgrounds including, Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Croatia, England, Egypt, Gambia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Kashmir, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Senegal, Singapore, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Yemen, and more. Both the Jewish community and the Muslim community in Spokane have been the target of hate crimes in the last couple of years. But rather than dwelling in that victim place we are finding that sweet green grass where we can enjoy each other.
Ecstatic Speech, Expressions of True Nonduality
Enlightenment seems to be difficult to find mainly because it goes unnoticed by the soul conditioned to ignore the obvious essentials in life. The essentials are these: That the sun rises and sets; that we are born and breathe and live and die; that when we are wounded the world grows smaller and when we are healed we are healed by love. When we are healed by love the world grows larger and there is room for everything where previously there seemed to be none. Someplace inside of us, we believe enlightenment will set us free from our suffering. But what awakening actually does is to open a door to our suffering, while simultaneously redeeming it in a new idea of what freedom actually is. The only surprise in awakening is that it was there all along. Finally, we are free. But this freedom is not a freedom from, but rather a freedom with. What we call “life” is the union of the faraway and the near. The faraway is the seemingly outer world. The near is ourselves. A nameless, characterless quality pervades and supports both. “Boundless continuity” might also be called a “bound infinity,” that combination of the mortal and the time-bound with the timeless. The texts in Ecstatic Speech are all teaching pieces that arise from the place where the particular—that is individuals with pain and sorrow, laughter and joy—and the Silent Eternal meet. They are utterances that give shape to the Absolute and allow this vastness to enter the small chambers of our infinite hearts. In this way we learn our place in the Great Place, a place we sometimes lose because we don’t know how to hold our personal suffering along with the Great Perfection we sense within and without our selves. The pieces in this book exist to help us learn that our suffering and our awakening are a single thing, that our imperfections and the Great Perfection arise at exactly the same time and have the same aim, which is freedom. These pieces are not meant to continue the spiritual exercise of giving us peak experiences of unification, which simply lift us up only to set us down later. The view from the mountaintop is wonderful but so is living in the valley where our towns and neighborhoods are. These pieces extol both views since it is only by union that union is achieved. Said in other words: this is not a book of information but a book of practice. Enlightenment is not a theoretical position: it is meant to be dinner table conversation and the manners of everyday life. Enough said. Expect it all. Please go forward. Jason Shulman 26 December 2016 Truro, Massachusetts The texts in Ecstatic Speech are all teaching pieces that arise from the place where the particular—that is individuals with pain and sorrow, laughter and joy—and the Silent Eternal meet. They are utterances that give shape to the Absolute and allow this vastness to enter the small chambers of our infinite hearts. In this way we learn our place in the Great Place, a place we sometimes lose because we don’t know how to hold our personal suffering along with the Great Perfection we sense within and without our selves. The pieces in this book exist to help us learn that our suffering and our awakening are a single thing, that our imperfections and the Great Perfection arise at exactly the same time and have the same aim, which is freedom. Some of these pieces are meant to inspire, others to challenge. Some are meant to explain and others to mystify, because real mystification does not obscure, but brings us to things we cannot learn in any other way except by having our conditioned responses to life and learning stopped in their tracks:surrender, love, exquisite quiet and joy that has no reason for being except that it is. Above all, these pieces are meant to bring us into a deepening relationship with all that is, so that our already established partnership, our prior engagement with the world—before we were confused and which is our awakening itself—becomes not only visible, but workable, something we can depend upon moment by moment in our daily lives. Enlightenment is not a theoretical position: it is meant to be dinner table conversation and the manners of everyday life. About the Jason Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. His work also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. More about the Library and Jason’s work and outreach can be found at the Foundation for Nonduality website: Jason Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Bisac: Psychology / Interpersonal Relations conflict resolution, mediation, money, relationships, politics, human resources, business & money, conflict management, government #1 Business & Money > Human Resources > Conflict Resolution & Mediation #1 Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > War & Peace #1 Self-Help > Relationships > Conflict Management
The MAGI Process—a thirty-eight step, dynamic spiritual methodology for the resolution of conflict and awakening—is a way of participating in the creative machinery of the world. Since, from a nondual perspective, we are part of the world, made by the world and simultaneously making the world, to do the Process is to engage fully with reality. It is to drop into the programming language that made and makes the world as we know it. The thirty-eight Steps of the MAGI Process are the actual answers about what is really here and who we are. They describe the essence of what you will find at every step of the journey when personal desires and questions come into contact with the great, impersonal vastness of Reality.
The world is filled with seeds. Dust motes from the skeletons of stars float in the universe, condense and form suns, planets, and new life. The pine cone makes a forest of pines. The apple pip makes an orchard and fruit and a future apple-picking time. Each seed sets in motion a myriad of events, some predictable and some unknowable. But each seed is a lever that can move a mountain, start a family, make a new path, bring new hope, and change a world. The MAGI Process is a seed and we, when we use it, are the fruit, the life that springs from it. Some of why it works remains mysterious, but we can say this: by using the Process, we become a potent kernel and the world is where we are planted. When you finish doing a MAGI session, there is a kind of quietness that comes over you, but it is the quietness of strenuous activity, of having spent yourself in good effort. You might feel as if you have been tumbled and smoothed like a small river rock; you might just feel emptied of conceptions, pre-conceptions, and thoughts of all types. You might feel ready to listen and to hear—maybe for the first time—the heart cry of others. You may feel fearless, ready to stand your ground and now have the words to explain why your actions are what they are. But after all is said and done, you feel like a potent being, ready to blossom, filled with non-reactive grace, which is to say, open-heartedness for its own sake. The Magi Process, A Note From Jason Shulman I'd like to welcome you to the Magi Process, a new way of working with conflict and its resolution. This Process, created in 2003, is a nondual way of working with conflict. While it does not take sides, it understands that any conflict involves sides; while it understands the difference between inner and outer conflict, and knows how inner conflict leads to outer conflict, it does not make a distinction between the two. Instead, it works directly, in a vivid manner, with the fabric of the world itself, a world that contains both inner and outer. Using the Magi Process is to take an interactive journey behind the appearance of the world into its inner mechanism. This journey however, is not a psychological one, but into and through a place that makes both the observer and the observed; the world and the one who participates in it. It works because on all levels, you and the world are actually one. Yet, the Magi Process does not bury differences in oneness. Neither is it a disinterested process. It understands the difference between right and wrong, even as it helps us admit that we don't always know the difference, and sometimes can never know the difference. Its aim is to heal and it does this by unifying the world, seeing how disparate pieces, and even pieces in conflict, can remain separate and yet part of the whole simultaneously. Doing the Magi Process will change you. Although it is not a psychological process it will bring up psychological material in you, allowing you to look at preconceptions and limitations within your own psyche. It will also change the world. This Process can be used for working with your own, internal conflicts as well and as such is a powerful path to problem-solving from the nondual perspective. Your problems are not different from the world's conflicts of course. They arise together and are indivisible. By using the Magi Process you are joining a growing community of people who are interested in turning self-change into world-change, but who want to do this with eyes open, seeing the world as it is in its deepest heart: a unified and unifying place for all beings. With blessings, Jason Jinen Shulman Quotes & Responses to the Magi Process "I'm 55 years old, and until I worked the Magi Process this year, I couldn't have cared less for my body. It always seemed to be an obstacle to my quest for God and a way to serve. Engaging with the Magi has changed my relationship with my body, which I now view as a marvelous tool for being with One and of service to the world too. That's all I've really wanted to attain to for the past thirty years. I feel like I've come home." —Peggy Gerber "I can feel the movement in my own body of the political and social issues I am addressing. This is deeply satisfying not only because of the possible results (which we can’t always know) but because participating in this way leaves one less helpless, less alienated and more available to true movement within and beyond the self. When I start with a personal issue and frame it as a universal one, the result is not only deep and happy movement in my personal relationships but a sense of connection to all others all over the world and through time who have similarly struggled. This touches me deeply." —Carolyn Tilove Provocative Spiritual Teacher Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. Suffering People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A Society of Souls are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Spiritual Music Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. The Magi Process The MAGI Process—a thirty-eight step, dynamic spiritual methodology for the resolution of conflict and awakening—is a way of participating in the creative machinery of the world. Since, from a nondual perspective, we are part of the world, made by the world and simultaneously making the world, to do the Process is to engage fully with reality. It is to drop into the programming language that made and makes the world as we know it. The thirty- eight Steps of the MAGI Process are the actual answers about what is really here and who we are. They describe the essence of what you will find at every step of the journey when personal desires and questions come into contact with the great, impersonal vastness of Reality. The world is filled with seeds. Dust motes from the skeletons of stars float in the universe, condense and form suns, planets, and new life. The pine cone makes a forest of pines. The apple pip makes an orchard and fruit and a future apple-picking time. Each seed sets in motion a myriad of events, some predictable and some unknowable. But each seed is a lever that can move a mountain, start a family, make a new path, bring new hope, and change a world. The MAGI Process is a seed and we, when we use it, are the fruit, the life that springs from it. Some of why it works remains mysterious, but we can say this: by using the Process, we become a potent kernel and the world is where we are planted. When you finish doing a MAGI session, there is a kind of quietness that comes over you, but it is the quietness of strenuous activity, of having spent yourself in good effort. You might feel as if you have been tumbled and smoothed like a small river rock; you might just feel emptied of conceptions, pre-conceptions, and thoughts of all types. You might feel ready to listen and to hear—maybe for the first time—the heart cry of others. You may feel fearless, ready to stand your ground and now have the words to explain why your actions are what they are. But after all is said and done, you feel like a potent being, ready to blossom, filled with non-reactive grace, which is to say, open-heartedness for its own sake. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas. Paperback: 152 pages Publisher: Foundation for Nonduality, The (March 18, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 0997220104 ISBN-13: 978-0997220100 Business & Money > Human Resources > Conflict Resolution & Mediation Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > War & Peace Self-Help > Relationships > Conflict Management
Kimberly Burnham's Latest Community of Humanity Column
25. Healing and the Poet's Brain March, 2016 Not everyone aspires to be a poet. Not everyone enjoys reading poetry but perhaps we should rethink the role of poetry in individual healing and brain health. Start at the beginning with the feeling—what is that feeling—that creates a stirring poem .... [Full Article] @KimberlyBurnham #interfaith #spirituality #communityofhumanity #neurotheology Enjoy the October, 2014 cover story featuring Kimberly Burnham and see her poetry at #Healing #Poet #Brain #World #Peace #Healing #CommunityOfHumanity by #KimberlyBurnham #InnerChildPress Magazine 24. Role of Interfaith Group in World Peace February, 2016 Role of Interfaith Group in World Peace Are you part of a religious or spiritual community? Do you feel connected and understood by your neighbors? Do you feel like we are all part of the community of humanity? There are some religious communities that are trying to convert people ... [Full Article] @KimberlyBurnham #interfaith #spirituality #communityofhumanity #neurotheology Enjoy the October, 2014 cover story featuring Kimberly Burnham and see her poetry at Role of #Interfaith Groups #World #Peace #Healing #CommunityOfHumanity by #KimberlyBurnham #InnerChildPress Magazine 23. A Happy New Year the Neurotheology of Dopamine, January, 2015 A Happy New Year the Neurotheology of Dopamine. This year eat, sleep, move your body, meditate, sing, love and if you can do it in community even better. According to Kenneth Blum et al (2015) “Finding happiness may not only reside in our genome [genetic material or genes] but may indeed be impacted by positive meditative practices, positive psychology, spiritual acceptance, love of others and self, and taking inventory of ourselves-one day at a time.” [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #dopamine #parkinsonsdisease #neurotheology 22. On Motivation, Let Go of Carrots and Sticks December, 2016 On Motivation, Let Go of Carrots and Sticks ... Why do we do things? What motivates you? Do rewards or punishments motive you, truly? If we want peace and success in this world for all communities and for all people, what do we have to do? Recent world events have shown how people try to motive others. The problem ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #motivation # peace #neurotheology 21. Pattern Recognition at the Parliament of World's Religions November, 2015 Pattern Recognition at the Parliament of World's Religions. Bowls of colored sand stood ready on October 15th, 2015. Across the hallway people were preparing vegetarian food. Hanging from the walkway ceilings were flags and banners with quotes on peace, the environment, and faith. A walking mediation labyrinth was being laid down in bright blue tape. Stages ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #2015Parliament #peace #neurotheology 20. Inside, Seeing From the Fourth Dimension October, 2015 Inside, Seeing From the Fourth Dimension. If you draw a four sided square on a piece of paper, it is said to be a two dimensional object. It has length and width but not height. Of course a piece of paper does have height, so it is not truly a two dimensional object but for our purposes we will think ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #vision #peace #neurotheology 19. Thriving on the Beauty in Diversity September, 2015 Thriving on the Beauty in Diversity. There is value in enjoying our differences and similarities. When everyone is the same life is boring. Our brains are not excited if all we can see is one kind of tree or all we can buy is one kind of car, which is the same as everyone else's. Sameness also increases competition ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #diversity #beauty #neurotheology 18. The Source of Peace August, 2015 The Source of PEACE. With the 4th of July celebrated in the US, I have been thinking about war and peace and how we separate ourselves from one another and how we build our communities. My contribution to the monthly poetry anthology, The Year of The Poet II from Inner Child Press focused on peace and the first three quotes in this column. Albert Einstein said, "Peace cannot be kept by ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #peace #poetry #neurotheology 17. Inside and Outside July, 2015 Inside and Outside. Who Are We Exiling? "Is it true you used to be a Mormon?" He was tall, dark, and handsome with a bright warm smile. "Yes" I said to the man who was on Benay Lappe's Queer Talmud Retreat with me. "Me too!" He said as we explored what we had in common. ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #exile #LDS #neurotheology 16. Connection to the Earth June, 2015 Connection to the Earth. Two years ago I was bicycling through Spokane, Washington on a 3000 mile Cross-USA trip from Seattle to Washington, DC. In the last two years I moved across the country from Connecticut to Washington state and this spring just moved into a new house with trees and land for a large garden. Sponsored by Hazon which means vision in Hebrew, the bicycle adventure ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #earth #connection #neurotheology 15. Vignettes May, 2015 Vignettes ... Words shared can cause joy and pain, delight and laughter, misery and despair and ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #stories #connection #neurotheology 13. Finding the Faces of My Community April 2015 Finding the Faces of My Community ... When I look into your face do I see a predator or prey, a friend or enemy, are you trustworthy or ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #stories #faces #neurotheology 12. Neurodiversity March 2015 Neurodiversity ... We have agreed to call a certain wave length of light: RED but we can't know if we see it the same... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 11. Chronic Pain From An Alternative Medicine Perspective February 2015 Chronic Pain From An Alternative Medicine Perspective. Pain abounds in our community, but so too does joy and success and creative solutions. The pain in a child's face, tears streaming after a fall on the grassy hill or the scratch of a tree branch. The pain of loss ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #chronicpain #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 10. Brain Solids January 2015 Brain Solids. Sometimes we have to shift dimensions to see the connections and the tiny tendrils that reach across the walls and canyons. My kitchen table, for example, feels solid, a light blond wood that gives a deep solid tone when my knuckles rap on it. My hands feel solid, too. And I imagine this is what is real, the solid things in my life. In Traditional Chinese Medicine ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #brain #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 9. Conversion December 2014 The cold, solitary and hibernation energies of winter can be warmed by community, acceptance and change as once more we move toward spring and new life. What NEW life will you drink into your core? What energies will you convert in the joy within the balance of your life? Are you a convert? Do you seek converts to your cause? ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #conversion #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 8. Attachment Disorders and What Do I Need? November 2014 Every month, pick up each thing in your house. Hold it. Feel it. Notice the texture, the color, the softness and ask yourself, "Does this bring me JOY?" This is an adapted exercise from Suze Orman, a well known financial advisor and TV personality. Paying attention to what we are attached to can be good for the wallet and for the heart. A Move ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #moving #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 7. Playing Back A Colorful Life With Lots of Moving Pieces Playing Back A Colorful Life With Lots of Moving Pieces. Last week I participated in a Playback Theatre workshop or playshop as we called it. Penny Clayton from the Centre for Playback Theatre taught this amazingly rich beautiful class in Seattle about five hours drive from my home in Spokane, Washington. One of the values of Playback Theatre is to create a space where everyone feels ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #playback #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 6. Kind Possession Now October 2014 Kind Possession Now. Possession! What do you possess? What are your prized possessions? What have you worked hard for or perhaps inherited? There is a beautiful coffee table book entitled, Material World: A Global Family Portrait (1995) by Peter Menzel, Charles C. Mann, Paul Kennedy and a host of amazing photographers. It is a graphic and statistical snapshot of families worldwide ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #possession #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology If Not Now. The famous Jewish religious leader, Hillel, born over 2000 years ago in Babylon in 110 BCE said, "If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?" His words, "If Not Now?" have sparked a movement within the Jewish community which is looking at the means being applied to the peace process in Israel and Palestine. Jews are considering what is justified in the name of creating peace and safety. Is there a line that can't be crossed even if your own life, your family, your land and possessions are in jeopardy? ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #ifnotnow #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 5. Future Time and Space Unknown September 2014 Future Time and Space Unknown. John F. Kennedy said . . . "Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #future #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology Who do you consult about the future? Psychics feel the energy, look at auras and predict the future. Astrologers consult the stars, giving us guides for ways to live our lives based on what they see. Whether it helps or hurts is an individual mindset. ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #future #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 4. Real Community Prayer August 2014 Real Community Prayer ... There is a saying, "Worrying is like praying for what you don't want." ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #prayer #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 3. Poetic Responsibility and Peace July 2014 Poetic Responsibility and Peace ... Do you know someone who uses poetry to create healing or, perhaps, through poetry or other means seeks to build a stronger peace in this world? If you do, have you ever asked yourself whether you have any responsibility toward that person? Often we ask ourselves what our responsibility is when we ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #responsibility #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 2. Jiggling Eyes, Genetics and The Potential to Recover June 2014 Jiggling Eyes, Genetics and The Potential to Recover ... By the time I was twenty-eight, I was working as a professional photographer and a freelance journalist. I had seen Paris from the top of the Eifel Tower, climbed to ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #vision #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology 1. The Resilience, Beauty and Healing in Natural Diversity May 2014 The Resilience, Beauty and Healing in Natural Diversity ... Environmentalist and author of The Fifth Sacred Thing, Starhawk said, "Value diversity—for diversity creates resilience." ... [Full Article @KimberlyBurnham #vision #stories #neurodiversity #neurotheology
Vision Exercises
Wake from the dream where you are falling immobilized open your eyes to the green world where trees grow and shade the people who plant them believing in a better world for the children Wake from the dream open your mind to neighbors really see who they are the ways you are the same strengths you can learn Wake from the dream in the night when insights come and beauty is just beneath the dark surface sleep relaxed recovering open your heart in the morning visualize the day transformations one person can make Wake from the dream to places beyond right and wrong shades of gray where you can give everyone benefit of the doubt see what is beneath the surface Wake to the dream of home where you are possible 30 Poems in 30 Days: Writing Prompts & Poems from Tiferet Journal Editors: Kimberly Burnham and Lisa Sawyer Cover Design by Monica Gurevich-Importico The Poets Tracy Brooks Kimberly Burnham Udo Hintze Shannon S. Hyde Catriona Knapman Maureen Kwiat Meshenberg Louise Jayne Moriarty Hazel Saville Ambika Talwar Laura J. Wolfe Introduction It’s remarkable what you can create in thirty days. In honor of National Poetry month in April 2015, Tiferet Journal launched their third annual Poem-a-thon. Poets from around the world agreed to write a poem a day for thirty days. Now, using the writing prompts they were provided, you can rise to the creative challenge, too. Tiferet is a multi-faith literary magazine dedicated to publishing poetry and prose that can that further meaningful dialogue about what it is to be humane and conscious in today’s often divisive world. It is our hope that this latest offering from Tiferet will: Inspire you to write Connect you to a global community Foster peace in you and in the world Here are 30 writing prompts that can stimulate your own creative processes. Each prompt is accompanied by poems written by some of our Poem-a-thon participants, from this and earlier years. The poets have graciously agreed to their publication in order to share their encouragement of your own writing endeavors. Wishing you a creative 30 days of writing! Donna Baier Stein Publisher, Tiferet Journal
Originally Posted in Our Community of Humanity at Inner Child Magazine
Kind Possession Now Possession! What do you possess? What are your prized possessions? What have you worked hard for or perhaps inherited? There is a beautiful coffee table book entitled, Material World: A Global Family Portrait (1995) by Peter Menzel, Charles C. Mann, Paul Kennedy and a host of amazing photographers. It is a graphic and statistical snapshot of families worldwide. Families are photographed in front of their homes with all of their possessions outside—furniture, cars, pots and pans, yes, everything. In each photograph, they hold or stand surrounding their most prized possession. What that item is varies dramatically from one country to the next. Each family is a statistically average family for that country—an average number of children, average income, average size of home. It is a remarkable book about what we as part of this community of humanity possess and what we place value on. Experience Sometimes I look around my apartment and think about what my possessions would look like out in front of my home, what would be my most prized possession and what is irreplaceable for me. I have a photograph on my bulletin board of a scuba diving trip in Dahab, Egypt. I am smiling. My hair is slicked back and I am loaded up with scuba gear ready for my second dive of the day. I am surrounded by newly found friends. We don't know that it is just a few days before September 11, 2001 when I will be in Tel Aviv, Israel working. I have a memory and a photograph of a time in my life when I am vibrantly alive and fearless in my travels around the world. Life and love and vitality course through my veins—irreplaceable life. Marshall Rosenberg, developer of the field of Non-Violent Communication said, "It's harder to empathize with those who appear to possess more power, status, or resources." But is it simply the possession that makes the difference or rather is it our attitude and the way we possess power, status and resources? Is it really about the inequity when we compare ourselves with those around us? Our Lives Are our lives better if we are grateful for what we have? Are our lives better if we are happy when those around us succeed in what they are trying to do or have? Are out lives better if we help others gain what they need? Our Needs Marshall Rosenberg, who has participated in peace negations in the Middle East and at home in family conflicts said, "I would like to suggest that when our heads are filled with judgments and analyses that others are bad, greedy, irresponsible, lying, cheating, polluting the environment, valuing profit more than life, or behaving in other ways they shouldn't, very few of them will be interested in our needs. If we want to protect the environment, and we go to a corporate executive with the attitude, "You know, you are really a killer of the planet, you have no right to abuse the land in this way," we have severely impaired our chances of getting our needs met. It is a rare human being who can maintain focus on our needs when we are expressing them through images of their wrongness." How are you trying to get your needs met? Does someone else have to lose for you to have what you need? Does someone else have to be wrong or bad for you to have what you want? The land, the money, the water, the safety, the love—we all have basic needs we are trying to meet. Is it only the love of a certain person that will suffice in meeting your need for love? What if your love is unrequited? Is it only a specific piece of land that will suffice in meeting your need for shelter? Who are you looking out for and who looks out for you? If Not Now The famous Jewish religious leader, Hillel, born over 2000 years ago in Babylon in 110 BCE said, "If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?" His words, "If Not Now?" have sparked a movement within the Jewish community which is looking at the means being applied to the peace process in Israel and Palestine. Jews are considering what is justified in the name of creating peace and safety. Is there a line that can't be crossed even if your own life, your family, your land and possessions are in jeopardy? Whether we are seeking inner peace, peaceful families or peace between communities, there are certain attitudes and processes that don't move the peace process forward. The line between what we will do and won't do is different for each of us but I believe we each have a line over which we would not step to defend even our own lives. As part of a family, a community and a global village, it is worth it for each of us to look at and imagine where that line is for us. We can each ask ourselves, "What is worthwhile? What means everything to me? Do I want peace and love more than anything else? Today I want to close with a quote attributed to Plato, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
What Does Reward Bring You But To Bind You to Heaven like a Slave? (Poetry) (Nov 18, 2013) by Jason Shulman. Dos Madres Press.
"It is rare to come upon a mystic who can convey through words what defies language, a poet who can sculpt the spiritual into his poems without grandiosity, and a man who can bring fierce honesty and accuracy to the most intimate details of a life. Jason Shulman s poems are layered with the multidimensional harvest of his commitment to live in the totality of being human: his many faceted spiritual path, his mystical teachings, his poetic gifts that sing with startling metaphor and music, and his human heart that holds open the riddles of love, sex, age and death with searing honesty and a koanic transmission of not answers but openings. In fact, these poems return poetry to its original mission as spell, chant, and prayer where opposites dissolve and the mind is released through words into what goes beyond them. Robert Hass once said, Poems must move in two directions at once: enchantment and disenchantment, life and death, knowing and having no idea. Shulman s poems succeed in this, and more: From our minds / stained with life and death he bends / these poles into a single thing." —Kim Rosen
"Jason Shulman's ecstatic and lyrical poems often start in an exploratory and quizzical mood, and then open up to a wider world in surprising, unexpected ways. His path is open to suggestions offered by the passing nature of things that the observers makes sense of within this world. This points him through flowing speech, making poems centers of energy about larger energies outside the self, discoveries of various notable, expressive phenomena. Yet, his marked humility before these mysteries allows for explorations towards not final truths so much as wisdom in delineating a path to contemplate the wondrous conditions of our lives in this time, this reverberant shared space." —David Schloss
Medium Blog
Home of the Daily Peace Challenge. Learn about world peace - one word and one language at a time. (c) Kimberly Burnham, 2022 The Meaning of Peace in 10,000 Languages Looking for grant money to complete this peace project Kimberly Burnham, PhD (Integrative Medicine)
860-221-8510 phone and what's app. Skype: Kimberly Burnham (Spokane, Washington) [email protected] Author of Awakenings, Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health and P as in Peace, Paix and Perdamiam: an Inner Peace Journal To Stimulate The Brain Kimberly Burnham, The Nerve Whisperer, Brain Health Expert, Professional Health Coach for people with Alzheimer's disease, Memory Issues, Parkinson's disease, Chronic Pain, Huntington's Ataxia, Multiple Sclerosis, Keratoconus, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Neuropathy, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries, Brain Health Coaching ... Contact Kimberly Burnham in Spokane Washington (860) 221-8510 [email protected]. Chat with Kimberly about Parkinson's, Poetry or other Brain related issues.
Not Taking Advantage of Your Amazon Author's page?
Kimberly Burnham helps authors get their books out into the world more broadly by improving their free Amazon Author's page and book pages, posting a book review on her blog and on her LinkedIn Pulse blog (over 12,000 followers) Promotion packages start at $50. Contact her at [email protected]. See her Amazon Author's Page. See her list of publications including her latest book of brain health meditations, Awakenings: Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health Program. ![]() Now Available: AwakeningsPlease share and write a review on Amazon.
Poet-In-Residence Position
I am looking for guest blog opportunities and a position as poet-in-residence. My current project is writing dictionary poems using words in different languages for the English word "peace." You can read some of my poems on Poemhunter . As poet-in-residence I would write poems on different words in different languages and broadcast them throughout the social media blogosphere. Each poem would link back to your site where the word or language appeared. I would expect some sort of stipend and a six month to one year placement. Please contact me for details if your organization is interested in having a poet-in-residence to help get your message out. [email protected] Buy the print or eBook, review Awakenings then contact Kimberly for a free 20 minute brain health consultation. Email or Phone
(Regular rates $120 per hour or 10 sessions for $650.) (Integrative Medicine)