Jason Shulman is a wonderful spiritual teacher and prolific writer. I caught up with him just as he was releasing his most recent book, Beyond the Now; Essays On The Heart Of Enlightenment.
Kimberly Burnham: When did you start considering the concepts in Beyond the Now; Essays On The Heart Of Enlightenment? Why is this the right time to bring this material forward in a big way? Jason Shulman: I think there was a book some years back called “All I really needed to know I learned in kindergarten.” It turns out that the goal of the spiritual path, whether it is a path of surrender to a higher power or one of nonduality, is the integration of our personal, mortal, human side with all its flaws and limitations, with the transcendent, forever-ongoing aspect that is not personal but universal. When those two possibilities of human potential are joined in awareness—leaving neither out—the answers to life become very simple. You might even say they are the kindergarten-level “commonsensical” things we learned as we interacted with the world as a young child. We need to re-learn those simple things which have gotten lost in many of the approaches to spiritual learning which have taken on the coloration of our acquisitive approach to living, perspectives that have gotten more and more immaterial and substituted abstract concepts for the down-to-earthy thing that enlightenment and awakening actually are. It is always the time to set the record straight. KB: Your work has been compared to other American teachers of nonduality. In what ways is that true and where do you see the biggest differences? Jason Shulman: One of the great differences between my approach to nonduality and other teachers is that I try not to confuse an “experience” of universal consciousness (which is always nice to have) with what enlightenment or awakening actually is. Here is an example: many teachers—without making it explicit—confuse awakening with timelessness, a sense of the eternal that removes the person from the cycle of life and death, we could even say that “saves” the person from this mortal round of being. But nonduality contains everything, including time. This means that while our brief, mortal life, is imbued with eternity, eternity is simultaneously imbued with the mortal and time-bound. This understanding of the co-arising of both of these perspectives changes everything and brings about an awakening that is not simply a self-concerned experience but a life that focuses on the small and humble as much as the large and transcendent. The idea is not to stay forever in a single experience of some concept of unity when the “world-actual” is offered to us. KB: What are you reading these days? Jason Shulman: Hmm. I’m re-reading Isaac Asimov’s robot books; a book on the philosophy of Phenomenology and doing a lot of composing and songwriting as well! KB: How has the COVID pandemic changed how you think about life and living? Jason Shulman: I’ve thought to myself “who has ever conceived that they will live a life and then, in this modern era, die of a plague, alone in a hospital room?” This thought breaks my heart. And yet it has happened to over 300,000 human beings. So that gives me pause. It gives me pause to think about children growing up seeing everyone in masks, missing hugs and faces, missing mingling and play. I am lucky enough to live on a few acres of land and have a life partner with whom I share deep interests and love. But what about people who are alone in an apartment in a city? I also think about some of the good things that might come from this: less travel to work; more social interaction in family units and so on. We could say that this devastating period is also so fertile and rich that it might take years to unfold and years to fully understand. It has uncovered some of the worst in us and some of the best as well. And I think it brings a calling—maybe faintly in the distance right now—to be better people, kinder people, more in touch with this tenuous mortal coil. KB: Wonderful. Thank you Jason Shulman. Beyond the Now; Essays On The Heart Of Enlightenment by Jason Shulman is available in bookstores now. https://amzn.to/3oEslfp
"This little book is a real jewel. Jason’s expression of nonduality includes duality. It includes being a person. It includes everyday life. It includes shadows and uncertainties. And it includes suffering and desire, not as problems we can eventually transcend, but as integral aspects of the very fabric of existence. Instead of seeing desire, or clinging, as something we must transcend, Jason sees it as how the universe holds together and functions. The cessation of suffering, in his view, “has to do with the integration of light and dark.” Instead of the transcendent, idealized, purist vision that views certain aspects of reality as superior to others, this is a down-to-earth, all-inclusive, fully-embodied approach. “In a world of uncertainty, awakening does not bring the hoped-for certainty we longed for. Mystery remains. Wildness remains. Danger remains. Vitality and freedom remain as well.” And awakening is never finished. It is on-going. I highly recommend this little book. "
–Joan Tollifson, Author of Nothing to Grasp
Jason Shulman takes the Buddha's Four Noble Truths as his musical score, and riffs on them like an inspired jazz singer. His music is immediate, yet timeless. I found myself humming along, and I'm sure you could even dance to it. -Eric Utne, founder, Utne Reader
For 2,500 years, Gautama Buddha's Four Noble Truths have stood as the Buddhist map to the causes of suffering and its release into enlightenment. In this book, Jason Shulman has reinterpreted these Truths with a series of revelatory insights into the powerful ally suffering can become in our search for freedom. As American spiritual teacher and poet Jason Shulman says in his Introduction, "Suffering is the heart-breaking, heart-opening art of this world, the chiaroscuro of everything that moves on land or swims or speaks or is silent, of every tree and earth thing and air thing. It is the speaker within each thought, voiced or unvoiced. It is the condition of time itself that opens up a portal to suffering every second and also reveals itself in every space in the center of things or in the margin that dissolves foreground and background, that unifies space and time that opens the vista that has never been closed. The town and the country and all the people in each of these, all equally here on this plane of being, this light-dark place with this falling and rising up." This powerfully encouraging book is for Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. It is for all who suffer and want to be free. Four Noble Truths 1. Suffering exists 2. Suffering arises from attachment to desires 3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases 4. Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path Dairyu Michael Wenger, Dragons Leap Temple Dairyu Michael Wenger is a Soto Zen priest and a disciple of Sojun Mel Weitsman. He has practiced Zen for 46 years, 38 of them at the San Francisco Zen Center. At the age of 63 he founded his own temple, Dragons Leap, emphasizing Zazen and brush painting; courage, compassion, and creativity. The Jason Shulman Library. More about the Library and Jason’s work and outreach can be found at the Foundation for Nonduality website: www.nonduality.us.com Jason Shulman has written an extended meditation on the Buddha's Four Noble Truths with new insights into this important foundation of Buddhist thought and practice. Four Noble Truths 1. Suffering exists. 2. Suffering arises from attachment to desires. 3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases. 4. Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path. For 2,500 years, Gautama Buddha’s Four Noble Truths have stood as the Buddhist map to the causes of suffering and its release into enlightenment. In this book, Jason Shulman reinterprets these Truths for our era, revealing the powerful ally suffering can be in our search for freedom. Jason Shulman has the voice of an ancient prophet. He is versed in both wisdom traditions and modern thought. His rhetoric comes from on top, from differentiation, but don’t be mistaken: its weight comes from the hara, the belly, and integration…It’s from difficulty that we learn about ease. This book should be used as a guide, hints from one who has traveled the path, rather than an official highway atlas. Dear Reader, meet this teaching head on. Appreciate it as well as your doubts. Suffering is a great opportunity. Illustrator, Dairyu Michael Wenger is a Soto Zen priest and a disciple of Sojun Mel Weitsman. He has practiced Zen for 46 years, 38 of them at the San Francisco Zen Center. At the age of 63 he founded his own temple, Dragons Leap, emphasizing Zazen and brush painting; courage, compassion, and creativity. The Jason Shulman Library. More about the Library and Jason’s work and outreach can be found at the Foundation for Nonduality website: www.nonduality.us.com
Jason Shulman Interview
I recently caught up with Jason Shulman and asked him about his latest book, The Nondual Shaman, A Contemporary Shamanistic Path & Thoroughgoing Training for Awakening the Self Q: Kimberly Burnham: Jason, let's start with who you are and why you wrote this book. Jason Shulman: So let’s start with who I am not. I am not a Bolivian or Peruvian fellow and have not lived among the ancients in the forests of Columbia. I am not from Siberia nor am I a Native American though a First American was once my dream teacher. In this life I am not Tibetan nor Indian nor a member of a secret sect. I am not from Long Island or San Francisco or Rio or Beijing. I am, however, from Brooklyn, and proud of it. I am a student of Kabbalah, Advaita and Zen, especially the Jodo Shinshu or Pure Land sect. I have sat and meditated most all of my life but do not consider myself a traditional Buddhist per se, though I have had several Buddhist teachers and hold an abiding place in my heart for each one of them. Still, I am a healer and a nondual shaman. What that is exactly, and how I can be a shaman (or “voyager” as I will call it later) without being from a traditional society is the topic of this book. KB: How is this book different than what other shaman's are writing? What makes it unique? Jason Shulman: Traditionally, shamans are people who have learned to enter into altered states of consciousness for the good of their society, either through the ingestion of psychotropic drugs or through long periods of trance-inducing dancing, drumming or ritual (as examples) in order to access non-ordinary states of reality that allow them to bring back knowledge and acts of healing to those they want to help. Often, they are also experts at the pharmacological use of plants as medicine. The neo-shamanistic and core-shamanistic movement of recent years has sought to create a form of shamanism that is no longer tied to indigenous cultures but instead tries to find the essential ingredients in traditional shamanism and mold them for modern cultures that are no longer tied to the forest or field. My approach is not neo-shamanistic, which is to say, it is not a modernized version of traditional shamanism, which uses tools that were originally used in the context of a traditional society and environment. Nondual shamanism also does not attempt to duplicate the look and feel of indigenous healers—although, like the shamans of old, it does see being a shaman as involving the totality of one’s life and not so much as a series of special acts. It is a way of living. It recognizes that the intercourse between heaven and earth, between dimensions and worlds—responding to the eternal need for healing in light of the larger view of the full scale of possible human consciousness—is not the province of traditionally-schooled shamans alone, but of all human beings who are willing to undergo the rigorous and exhilarating training it takes to become this type of voyager in our time and place. KB: How do you help shamans, healers and coaches? Jason Shulman: In this form of shamanistic healing, the healer is the main object of my attention since the healer must be “made new” in order to accomplish the work of voyaging. This book seeks to help healers have a new paradigm with which to look at themselves and the world, one that both includes and goes beyond the psychological framework. In this new perspective, we are also interested in healing the paradigm maker, the inherent storyteller, which is to say, our ego itself and how it functions within our emotional and psychic environment. We have come to a time and place in the world where our narrative-making machinery itself must be healed, because—unhealed—it is not a reliable guide for what reality is and is not. It is buffeted by fashion, the political moment, nostalgia for an imagined golden age and rebellion against the current one. Unhealed, it can be a destructive force. But gathered up in insight and tenderness, it is a force for wholeness—another part of our true nature. KB: Say more about insights, tenderness and a force for wholeness. Jason Shulman: We could say that in order to see reality clearly, and with that clarity, begin to have conversations with the sky and earth, we must heal the healer on a profound and thorough level. We must understand why and how our narrative-making egos work the way they do, and—understanding their hurts—heal them so that they might heal others without passing along unspoken suffering and obstacles to living a truthful and healed life. The nondual approach, as I outline it here, is the best possible approach I have found to this problem. But, unlike traditional nondual approaches, we do not seek to exile the ego as illusory, useless, or an eternal inhibiting obstacle. Instead, with an abiding belief in nonviolence, we try to heal it so that its true function can be free to operate for the good of all. We include the ego, as well as our imperfections, in our work, mixed with the kindness we need to see this journey through. This is a path of flesh and bones, the hard and the soft. A human path. This is the foundation of the journey, the beginning and end as well. KB: How do you see the role and journey of the shaman? Jason Shulman: The work of the nondual shaman or voyager does not concentrate on appearances or methodology in any way that overrides or substitutes for the inner journey we must go on in order to be authentic instruments of healing. It seeks to find a new way, one that emerges from within and not from any concept mirrored from the outside. It seeks a model that respects all healing modalities and techniques but is most interested in what is happening in the healer: the state of consciousness, the degree of wholeness, the readiness to open wide the heart and mind. It says, in essence, that healing takes place from the truly nondual state, a consciousness that does not consider the absolute perspective to be what nonduality is about, but one that combines the impersonal and the personal, the absolute with the relative—one that does not reject the ego because it is troublesome and inconvenient, but rather seeks to heal it so that it can take its beautiful, rightful place in the constellation that makes up each sentient being. KB: Anything else you want to add? Jason Shulman: As we come into awareness and union with the totality of our being, we heal. We heal psychologically, culturally and, because we are no longer expending energy to keep illusions alive, we heal physically as well. And because our healed or true nature is now more available to us, we heal others directly if we choose, through our chosen profession as healers, and indirectly, by our very presence in whatever work we do. If we add to that the very detailed and explicit knowledge of being a nondual voyager, the methodology that does not replace self-awareness and awakening but is its foundation, we have the opportunity and grace to help in a focused and ongoing manner and to reduce suffering in both small and mighty ways. This work is shamanistic because—taking a cue from the “old ones”—it teaches us how to dive beneath the appearance of things to find how the appearance of things is really the most divine, whole, or healthy thing we could imagine. It trusts the surface of things as the holographic mirror of even the deepest parts. We are explorers of this single thing, in all its facets and dimensions, diving deeply into the ocean of being. It does not discriminate between various supposed worlds but uses them all to heal the body and soul and, finally, because this is the true object of all healing in this temporary, lightning-quick world, to make a human being who is healthy enough to love. The Nondual Shaman: A Contemporary Shamanistic Path & Thoroughgoing Training for Awakening the Self (Sep 20, 2018) by Jason Shulman Data for Sept 2018 (published) - Dec 2018 40 ebooks, 155 print books and 1201 pages read as part of an Amazon promotional program. Kindle eBook $9.99 USD ASIN: B07HKQ7WVQ Paperback $39.99 USD ASIN: 0997220139 Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #263,817 Paid in Kindle Store #94 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Earth-Based Religions > Shamanism #332 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > New Age & Spirituality > Shamanism #639 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > New Age > Meditation
I recently caught up with Jason Shulman and asked him about his latest book, The Nondual Shaman, A Contemporary Shamanistic Path & Thoroughgoing Training for Awakening the Self
Q: Kimberly Burnham: Jason, let's start with who you are and why you wrote this book. Jason Shulman: So let’s start with who I am not. I am not a Bolivian or Peruvian fellow and have not lived among the ancients in the forests of Columbia. I am not from Siberia nor am I a Native American though a First American was once my dream teacher. In this life I am not Tibetan nor Indian nor a member of a secret sect. I am not from Long Island or San Francisco or Rio or Beijing. I am, however, from Brooklyn, and proud of it. I am a student of Kabbalah, Advaita and Zen, especially the Jodo Shinshu or Pure Land sect. I have sat and meditated most all of my life but do not consider myself a traditional Buddhist per se, though I have had several Buddhist teachers and hold an abiding place in my heart for each one of them. Still, I am a healer and a nondual shaman. What that is exactly, and how I can be a shaman (or “voyager” as I will call it later) without being from a traditional society is the topic of this book. KB: How is this book different than what other shaman's are writing? What makes it unique? Jason Shulman: Traditionally, shamans are people who have learned to enter into altered states of consciousness for the good of their society, either through the ingestion of psychotropic drugs or through long periods of trance-inducing dancing, drumming or ritual (as examples) in order to access non-ordinary states of reality that allow them to bring back knowledge and acts of healing to those they want to help. Often, they are also experts at the pharmacological use of plants as medicine. The neo-shamanistic and core-shamanistic movement of recent years has sought to create a form of shamanism that is no longer tied to indigenous cultures but instead tries to find the essential ingredients in traditional shamanism and mold them for modern cultures that are no longer tied to the forest or field. My approach is not neo-shamanistic, which is to say, it is not a modernized version of traditional shamanism, which uses tools that were originally used in the context of a traditional society and environment. Nondual shamanism also does not attempt to duplicate the look and feel of indigenous healers—although, like the shamans of old, it does see being a shaman as involving the totality of one’s life and not so much as a series of special acts. It is a way of living. It recognizes that the intercourse between heaven and earth, between dimensions and worlds—responding to the eternal need for healing in light of the larger view of the full scale of possible human consciousness—is not the province of traditionally-schooled shamans alone, but of all human beings who are willing to undergo the rigorous and exhilarating training it takes to become this type of voyager in our time and place. KB: How do you help shamans, healers and coaches? Jason Shulman: In this form of shamanistic healing, the healer is the main object of my attention since the healer must be “made new” in order to accomplish the work of voyaging. This book seeks to help healers have a new paradigm with which to look at themselves and the world, one that both includes and goes beyond the psychological framework. In this new perspective, we are also interested in healing the paradigm maker, the inherent storyteller, which is to say, our ego itself and how it functions within our emotional and psychic environment. We have come to a time and place in the world where our narrative-making machinery itself must be healed, because—unhealed—it is not a reliable guide for what reality is and is not. It is buffeted by fashion, the political moment, nostalgia for an imagined golden age and rebellion against the current one. Unhealed, it can be a destructive force. But gathered up in insight and tenderness, it is a force for wholeness—another part of our true nature. KB: Say more about insights, tenderness and a force for wholeness. Jason Shulman: We could say that in order to see reality clearly, and with that clarity, begin to have conversations with the sky and earth, we must heal the healer on a profound and thorough level. We must understand why and how our narrative-making egos work the way they do, and—understanding their hurts—heal them so that they might heal others without passing along unspoken suffering and obstacles to living a truthful and healed life. The nondual approach, as I outline it here, is the best possible approach I have found to this problem. But, unlike traditional nondual approaches, we do not seek to exile the ego as illusory, useless, or an eternal inhibiting obstacle. Instead, with an abiding belief in nonviolence, we try to heal it so that its true function can be free to operate for the good of all. We include the ego, as well as our imperfections, in our work, mixed with the kindness we need to see this journey through. This is a path of flesh and bones, the hard and the soft. A human path. This is the foundation of the journey, the beginning and end as well. KB: How do you see the role and journey of the shaman? Jason Shulman: The work of the nondual shaman or voyager does not concentrate on appearances or methodology in any way that overrides or substitutes for the inner journey we must go on in order to be authentic instruments of healing. It seeks to find a new way, one that emerges from within and not from any concept mirrored from the outside. It seeks a model that respects all healing modalities and techniques but is most interested in what is happening in the healer: the state of consciousness, the degree of wholeness, the readiness to open wide the heart and mind. It says, in essence, that healing takes place from the truly nondual state, a consciousness that does not consider the absolute perspective to be what nonduality is about, but one that combines the impersonal and the personal, the absolute with the relative—one that does not reject the ego because it is troublesome and inconvenient, but rather seeks to heal it so that it can take its beautiful, rightful place in the constellation that makes up each sentient being. KB: Anything else you want to add? Jason Shulman: As we come into awareness and union with the totality of our being, we heal. We heal psychologically, culturally and, because we are no longer expending energy to keep illusions alive, we heal physically as well. And because our healed or true nature is now more available to us, we heal others directly if we choose, through our chosen profession as healers, and indirectly, by our very presence in whatever work we do. If we add to that the very detailed and explicit knowledge of being a nondual voyager, the methodology that does not replace self-awareness and awakening but is its foundation, we have the opportunity and grace to help in a focused and ongoing manner and to reduce suffering in both small and mighty ways. This work is shamanistic because—taking a cue from the “old ones”—it teaches us how to dive beneath the appearance of things to find how the appearance of things is really the most divine, whole, or healthy thing we could imagine. It trusts the surface of things as the holographic mirror of even the deepest parts. We are explorers of this single thing, in all its facets and dimensions, diving deeply into the ocean of being. It does not discriminate between various supposed worlds but uses them all to heal the body and soul and, finally, because this is the true object of all healing in this temporary, lightning-quick world, to make a human being who is healthy enough to love.
The Nondual Shaman: A Contemporary Shamanistic Path & Thoroughgoing Training for Awakening the Self. (Sep 20, 2018) by Jason Shulman
Published by The Foundation for Nonduality and The Jason Shulman Library Kindle Edition $9.99 Paperback $29.95 B01K3IVS90 #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Earth-Based Religions > Shamanism #1 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > New Age & Spirituality > Shamanism #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > New Age > Meditation
The Kabbalah Monographs includes four works: The Work of Briah, The Set of the World, The Master of Hiddeness, The Configurations. These monographs, which in a sense trace Jason Shulman's thinking about Kabbalah over a period of some twenty-five years, are all meant to help us make this planet our home, to make this fleeting time allotted to us useful and beautiful, to make the most vaunted spiritual discourse point us in the direction of what is really important: the love of everything we were born into. They are meant—for those of us who find an earthy fragrance in words about ideas—to encourage all of us to be strong and flexible, to never give up, in the words of another sage, Reb Nachman of Breslov, and to concentrate on being the love we so long to receive.
These monographs, which in a sense trace my thinking about Kabbalah over a period of some twenty-five years, are all meant to help us make this planet our home, to make this fleeting time allotted to us useful and beautiful, to make the most vaunted spiritual discourse point us in the direction of what is really important: the love of everything we were born into. They are meant—for those of us who find an earthy fragrance in words about ideas—to encourage all of us to be strong and flexible, to never give up, and to concentrate on being the love we so long to receive. This is essentially a facsimile edition, which collects three of the monographs and adds a new one on the Partzufim, written in 2017. May they inch us toward understanding our true nature. "Jason Shulman is a true adept of the inner teachings. He offers a very sophisticated and dynamic account of what happens between the Kabbalah and the great, luminous transparency. To engage with Jason Shulman’s mind is to enter into the reality where true healing can occur." –– Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Founder of the Jewish Renewal Movement About the Jason Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. His work also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. More about the Library and Jason’s work and outreach can be found at the Foundation for Nonduality website: www.nonduality.us.com Reviews “A Dharma teacher and Kabbalist, Jason Shulman has succeeded in creating a down-to-earth guide which makes the quest to find God into a realizable possibility.” –– Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of Life After Death: The Burden of Proof . “Beautiful lessons and brilliant insights on the divine nature of humanity and how we connect with God and ourselves. Enlightening and inspirational.” –– Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness . “The Instruction Manual for Receiving God contains exactly the type of common sense wisdom required for a person to live a good oldfashioned grounded life in a society that encourages us to do things faster while multi-tasking. This book is a magnificent breath of tranquil air.” –– Caroline Myss, author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts . “Jason Shulman offers us a profoundly simple guide to the obviousness of awakening to our deepest Self. Lucid, contemporary, and most of all kind, this is a beautiful book which goes to the very heart of the human condition, by encouraging us to embrace both the impersonal oneness of all things and the richness of the personal life.” –– Timothy Freke, author of Lucid Living . "Jason Shulman is a true adept of the inner teachings. He offers a very sophisticated and dynamic account of what happens between the Kabbalah and the great, luminous transparency. To engage with Jason Shulman’s mind is to enter into the reality where true healing can occur." –– Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Founder of the Jewish Renewal Movement Jason Shulman Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings.
The Kabbalah Monographs (Apr 9, 2018) by Jason Shulman Kindle Edition $9.99 Paperback $16.99 The Foundation for Nonduality and Jason Shulman Library
Ecstatic Speech, Expressions of True Nonduality
Enlightenment seems to be difficult to find mainly because it goes unnoticed by the soul conditioned to ignore the obvious essentials in life. The essentials are these: That the sun rises and sets; that we are born and breathe and live and die; that when we are wounded the world grows smaller and when we are healed we are healed by love. When we are healed by love the world grows larger and there is room for everything where previously there seemed to be none. Someplace inside of us, we believe enlightenment will set us free from our suffering. But what awakening actually does is to open a door to our suffering, while simultaneously redeeming it in a new idea of what freedom actually is. The only surprise in awakening is that it was there all along. Finally, we are free. But this freedom is not a freedom from, but rather a freedom with. What we call “life” is the union of the faraway and the near. The faraway is the seemingly outer world. The near is ourselves. A nameless, characterless quality pervades and supports both. “Boundless continuity” might also be called a “bound infinity,” that combination of the mortal and the time-bound with the timeless. The texts in Ecstatic Speech are all teaching pieces that arise from the place where the particular—that is individuals with pain and sorrow, laughter and joy—and the Silent Eternal meet. They are utterances that give shape to the Absolute and allow this vastness to enter the small chambers of our infinite hearts. In this way we learn our place in the Great Place, a place we sometimes lose because we don’t know how to hold our personal suffering along with the Great Perfection we sense within and without our selves. The pieces in this book exist to help us learn that our suffering and our awakening are a single thing, that our imperfections and the Great Perfection arise at exactly the same time and have the same aim, which is freedom. These pieces are not meant to continue the spiritual exercise of giving us peak experiences of unification, which simply lift us up only to set us down later. The view from the mountaintop is wonderful but so is living in the valley where our towns and neighborhoods are. These pieces extol both views since it is only by union that union is achieved. Said in other words: this is not a book of information but a book of practice. Enlightenment is not a theoretical position: it is meant to be dinner table conversation and the manners of everyday life. Enough said. Expect it all. Please go forward. Jason Shulman 26 December 2016 Truro, Massachusetts The texts in Ecstatic Speech are all teaching pieces that arise from the place where the particular—that is individuals with pain and sorrow, laughter and joy—and the Silent Eternal meet. They are utterances that give shape to the Absolute and allow this vastness to enter the small chambers of our infinite hearts. In this way we learn our place in the Great Place, a place we sometimes lose because we don’t know how to hold our personal suffering along with the Great Perfection we sense within and without our selves. The pieces in this book exist to help us learn that our suffering and our awakening are a single thing, that our imperfections and the Great Perfection arise at exactly the same time and have the same aim, which is freedom. Some of these pieces are meant to inspire, others to challenge. Some are meant to explain and others to mystify, because real mystification does not obscure, but brings us to things we cannot learn in any other way except by having our conditioned responses to life and learning stopped in their tracks:surrender, love, exquisite quiet and joy that has no reason for being except that it is. Above all, these pieces are meant to bring us into a deepening relationship with all that is, so that our already established partnership, our prior engagement with the world—before we were confused and which is our awakening itself—becomes not only visible, but workable, something we can depend upon moment by moment in our daily lives. Enlightenment is not a theoretical position: it is meant to be dinner table conversation and the manners of everyday life. About the Jason Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. His work also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. More about the Library and Jason’s work and outreach can be found at the Foundation for Nonduality website: www.nonduality.us.com Jason Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Bisac: Psychology / Interpersonal Relations conflict resolution, mediation, money, relationships, politics, human resources, business & money, conflict management, government #1 Business & Money > Human Resources > Conflict Resolution & Mediation #1 Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > War & Peace #1 Self-Help > Relationships > Conflict Management
The MAGI Process—a thirty-eight step, dynamic spiritual methodology for the resolution of conflict and awakening—is a way of participating in the creative machinery of the world. Since, from a nondual perspective, we are part of the world, made by the world and simultaneously making the world, to do the Process is to engage fully with reality. It is to drop into the programming language that made and makes the world as we know it. The thirty-eight Steps of the MAGI Process are the actual answers about what is really here and who we are. They describe the essence of what you will find at every step of the journey when personal desires and questions come into contact with the great, impersonal vastness of Reality.
The world is filled with seeds. Dust motes from the skeletons of stars float in the universe, condense and form suns, planets, and new life. The pine cone makes a forest of pines. The apple pip makes an orchard and fruit and a future apple-picking time. Each seed sets in motion a myriad of events, some predictable and some unknowable. But each seed is a lever that can move a mountain, start a family, make a new path, bring new hope, and change a world. The MAGI Process is a seed and we, when we use it, are the fruit, the life that springs from it. Some of why it works remains mysterious, but we can say this: by using the Process, we become a potent kernel and the world is where we are planted. When you finish doing a MAGI session, there is a kind of quietness that comes over you, but it is the quietness of strenuous activity, of having spent yourself in good effort. You might feel as if you have been tumbled and smoothed like a small river rock; you might just feel emptied of conceptions, pre-conceptions, and thoughts of all types. You might feel ready to listen and to hear—maybe for the first time—the heart cry of others. You may feel fearless, ready to stand your ground and now have the words to explain why your actions are what they are. But after all is said and done, you feel like a potent being, ready to blossom, filled with non-reactive grace, which is to say, open-heartedness for its own sake. The Magi Process, A Note From Jason Shulman I'd like to welcome you to the Magi Process, a new way of working with conflict and its resolution. This Process, created in 2003, is a nondual way of working with conflict. While it does not take sides, it understands that any conflict involves sides; while it understands the difference between inner and outer conflict, and knows how inner conflict leads to outer conflict, it does not make a distinction between the two. Instead, it works directly, in a vivid manner, with the fabric of the world itself, a world that contains both inner and outer. Using the Magi Process is to take an interactive journey behind the appearance of the world into its inner mechanism. This journey however, is not a psychological one, but into and through a place that makes both the observer and the observed; the world and the one who participates in it. It works because on all levels, you and the world are actually one. Yet, the Magi Process does not bury differences in oneness. Neither is it a disinterested process. It understands the difference between right and wrong, even as it helps us admit that we don't always know the difference, and sometimes can never know the difference. Its aim is to heal and it does this by unifying the world, seeing how disparate pieces, and even pieces in conflict, can remain separate and yet part of the whole simultaneously. Doing the Magi Process will change you. Although it is not a psychological process it will bring up psychological material in you, allowing you to look at preconceptions and limitations within your own psyche. It will also change the world. This Process can be used for working with your own, internal conflicts as well and as such is a powerful path to problem-solving from the nondual perspective. Your problems are not different from the world's conflicts of course. They arise together and are indivisible. By using the Magi Process you are joining a growing community of people who are interested in turning self-change into world-change, but who want to do this with eyes open, seeing the world as it is in its deepest heart: a unified and unifying place for all beings. With blessings, Jason Jinen Shulman Quotes & Responses to the Magi Process "I'm 55 years old, and until I worked the Magi Process this year, I couldn't have cared less for my body. It always seemed to be an obstacle to my quest for God and a way to serve. Engaging with the Magi has changed my relationship with my body, which I now view as a marvelous tool for being with One and of service to the world too. That's all I've really wanted to attain to for the past thirty years. I feel like I've come home." —Peggy Gerber "I can feel the movement in my own body of the political and social issues I am addressing. This is deeply satisfying not only because of the possible results (which we can’t always know) but because participating in this way leaves one less helpless, less alienated and more available to true movement within and beyond the self. When I start with a personal issue and frame it as a universal one, the result is not only deep and happy movement in my personal relationships but a sense of connection to all others all over the world and through time who have similarly struggled. This touches me deeply." —Carolyn Tilove Provocative Spiritual Teacher Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. Suffering People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A Society of Souls are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Spiritual Music Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. The Magi Process The MAGI Process—a thirty-eight step, dynamic spiritual methodology for the resolution of conflict and awakening—is a way of participating in the creative machinery of the world. Since, from a nondual perspective, we are part of the world, made by the world and simultaneously making the world, to do the Process is to engage fully with reality. It is to drop into the programming language that made and makes the world as we know it. The thirty- eight Steps of the MAGI Process are the actual answers about what is really here and who we are. They describe the essence of what you will find at every step of the journey when personal desires and questions come into contact with the great, impersonal vastness of Reality. The world is filled with seeds. Dust motes from the skeletons of stars float in the universe, condense and form suns, planets, and new life. The pine cone makes a forest of pines. The apple pip makes an orchard and fruit and a future apple-picking time. Each seed sets in motion a myriad of events, some predictable and some unknowable. But each seed is a lever that can move a mountain, start a family, make a new path, bring new hope, and change a world. The MAGI Process is a seed and we, when we use it, are the fruit, the life that springs from it. Some of why it works remains mysterious, but we can say this: by using the Process, we become a potent kernel and the world is where we are planted. When you finish doing a MAGI session, there is a kind of quietness that comes over you, but it is the quietness of strenuous activity, of having spent yourself in good effort. You might feel as if you have been tumbled and smoothed like a small river rock; you might just feel emptied of conceptions, pre-conceptions, and thoughts of all types. You might feel ready to listen and to hear—maybe for the first time—the heart cry of others. You may feel fearless, ready to stand your ground and now have the words to explain why your actions are what they are. But after all is said and done, you feel like a potent being, ready to blossom, filled with non-reactive grace, which is to say, open-heartedness for its own sake. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas. Paperback: 152 pages Publisher: Foundation for Nonduality, The (March 18, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 0997220104 ISBN-13: 978-0997220100 Business & Money > Human Resources > Conflict Resolution & Mediation Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Specific Topics > War & Peace Self-Help > Relationships > Conflict Management
What Does Reward Bring You But To Bind You to Heaven like a Slave? (Poetry) (Nov 18, 2013) by Jason Shulman. Dos Madres Press.
"It is rare to come upon a mystic who can convey through words what defies language, a poet who can sculpt the spiritual into his poems without grandiosity, and a man who can bring fierce honesty and accuracy to the most intimate details of a life. Jason Shulman s poems are layered with the multidimensional harvest of his commitment to live in the totality of being human: his many faceted spiritual path, his mystical teachings, his poetic gifts that sing with startling metaphor and music, and his human heart that holds open the riddles of love, sex, age and death with searing honesty and a koanic transmission of not answers but openings. In fact, these poems return poetry to its original mission as spell, chant, and prayer where opposites dissolve and the mind is released through words into what goes beyond them. Robert Hass once said, Poems must move in two directions at once: enchantment and disenchantment, life and death, knowing and having no idea. Shulman s poems succeed in this, and more: From our minds / stained with life and death he bends / these poles into a single thing." —Kim Rosen
"Jason Shulman's ecstatic and lyrical poems often start in an exploratory and quizzical mood, and then open up to a wider world in surprising, unexpected ways. His path is open to suggestions offered by the passing nature of things that the observers makes sense of within this world. This points him through flowing speech, making poems centers of energy about larger energies outside the self, discoveries of various notable, expressive phenomena. Yet, his marked humility before these mysteries allows for explorations towards not final truths so much as wisdom in delineating a path to contemplate the wondrous conditions of our lives in this time, this reverberant shared space." —David Schloss
Gott Empfangen: 108 Wegweiser zu den Quellen des Lebens (German Edition) (Oct 25, 2010) by Jason Shulman, Erika Ifang.
Jason Jinen Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas.
The Instruction Manual for Receiving God (Oct 1, 2006) by Jason Shulman
Kindle Edition $11.99 Hardcover $22.95 Paperback $24.99
The Instruction Manual for Receiving God, A selection of quotes:
"We need only embrace ourselves in conscious awareness, with deep knowledge and without judgment, to feel God" (Shulman pg 16). "Being with God is a nondual state. This means it can never be achieved by choosing only one side of reality in reaction to a less preferred condition or state" (Shulman pg 56). "The ego likes to think it can achieve a state called 'enlightenment,' and then its work will be finished. But 'awakened' just means you'd better roll up your sleeves and pay attention, because life continues to happen" (Shulman pg 70). From reviewers: "Here are a few of my favorite excerpts from this gloriously poetic, healing book: "The hardest job in the world is to be simply and fully human." "When we have problems, we imagine a different sort of life where there are no problems and then attempt to get there...There is no life but this one. There are not two lives, one better than the other. True change begins with a relationship with what is actually present in the Now." "God cannot be known secondhand...God comes from the heart and not from a book. You must think God up for yourself." "The bruised apple is still good for making pies. In other words, trust in the Creator to see the good that even you yourself cannot see. Your sorrows do not need to disappear for you to be good in God's eyes. Therefore you need never hide any part of yourself again." "There is no form of freedom that does not include our limitations and suffering." "All neurosis is an obsession with memory." "Your ongoing life is the furnace that brings human warmth into the world." "Every story about a vision quest or spiritual journey ends with the hero discovering something that was in him or her all along...Trust that everything you need is already within you." The Instruction Manual for Receiving God shows us how to move from lost to found, from rejected to accepted, from wounded to healed, from wandering to rooted. Like Dorothy, we can come to realize that "we had it all along"--and that there's no place like Home. And where is Home? It's right where you are sitting, my Friend." —Janet Boyer, Hall of Fame Vine Voice, October 24, 2006 "Jason's new book is like the clear scent of a flower calling us home. As my dad and my first husband were dying they both said the same thing: "It's time to go home." Listening to each I thought, "Why can't I go home while I am still alive?" This book opens to us that way home, not by re-making our life into something other than what it is, but by guiding us as we take every bit and morsel of it as the nourishment we need to be truly at home in our life and body." —Mary K. Bernsteinon October 2, 2000 "If God is - Always-Present-Everywhere - and is most desirous of being Found, then our Relationship with this Being is unalterably different from the way that most of us approach it. This is a book that is profound in its simplicity, its depth and its wisdom. It is a human roadmap to that which is paradoxically both BEYOND US and yet at the same time may quite possibly represent our ultimate Identity. In my opinion, it is must reading for anyone whose Spirit and Consciousness is so engaged." —Stephen Mallson October 12, 2006 "This book does not encourage false forays into imaginary worlds where there is no suffering of any sort, where some magical notion of spirit has whitewashed reality into a palatable dollop. Instead, the words in this book seek to awaken you to the truth of God, that perspective and level of integration that allow you to be separate and one with the universe at the same time. It seeks to put life into perspective and to make our lives something worth living, despite the hardships inherent in the situation in which we find ourselves." —From the book "Rare is the day that I read a book but instead enter a peaceful sanctuary. It is equally rare for me to discover a book that depressurizes the air surrounding the human condition and the idea of spirituality. The Instruction Manual for Receiving God does not advocate the destruction or transcendence of the ego, nor does it promote striving to reach a superhuman ideal. There are no flights into magical thinking, denials of the difficult or dualistic notions of God being "here" but not "there". Instead, this seminal work disseminates forbidden knowledge--ideas so profoundly simple and shockingly sublime that to peer into this deep well of mystery is to see the face of God. According to author Jason Shulman, you--yes, you!--already have what you need to receive God. In fact, "you have your own song, and God has a ticket to your concert. If you are shy, God, being God, will sing for you." —Janet Boyer, Hall of Fame Vine Voice, October 24, 2006 "In those moments when all you can hear is the house creak and the dog change positions, I like to pick up this book and read one or two of what the author calls seed passages. It's that kind of book. The author provides joyfully lively and thought provoking portals for the contemporary seeker's spiritual envisioning regardless of the readers' religious or non-religious identification. It is a small book with big ideas. Mr. Shulman's languaging, explanations and examples, in this his second book, are extremely clear, to the point and easily understood., The profound perspectives offered present many varied opportunities for the healing integration of body, mind, heart, and spirit into a place of embodied fullness and awakened consciousness. I find this book deeply transformative, full of delight and would recommend this book to all seeking devotional insight." —RKGon January 16, 2007 "I feel happy that there is a book that makes known the true kindness of God: That God embraces the human condition just as it is and we can be with God just as we are. This book is written with a living and embodied wisdom by someone who understands our deep need for a relationship with God that lets us relax and be ourselves. It is also written with great kindness towards the condition(s) we find ourselves in as human beings. I'd have to say that kindness is the heart of this book. The Seed Passages unlock my mind and heart (and even my feet) to reveal God in this place, right now. Practicing receiving God in this way helps me to work with my longing to be in (or go to) some other place in order to be with God. I can just be myself, right here, at my cozy desk, and be with God, too. This makes getting on with the tasks of life much easier as pining to be (or worse, fantasizing about being) elsewhere in order to find God is such a painful energy drain. In another piece of writing called "The MAGI Process," Jason Shulman writes, 'The world settled down is God.' "The Instruction Manual for Receiving God" is a walk through the settled down ground, and a felt sense of the divine plays on every page. This is one of those books you can walk with, and in, at the same time. I highly recommend it as a guide book for the great spiritual journey to one's humanity." —Erin Mintaon October 2, 2006 "In the Jewish tradition is Jason Shulman's The Instruction Manual for Receiving God. Shulman, a Kabbalaist who has also drunk deeply from the well of Buddhist Dharma, is the founder of A Society of Souls, a school based in New Jersey dedicated to awakening the human spirit. Shulman writes in a direct but low-key manner, presenting us with 108 (a number favored by Buddhists) "seed passages" which he invites us to meditate and reflect on. The core message that Shulman delivers is that it is not so much God who is elusive, but rather, it is we who tend to hide ourselves and make ourselves unavailable to God. We think that because we are imperfect, we must not let God see us, but, in fact, it is in embracing our imperfection, in this moment, exactly how we are, that awakening and enlightenment become possible. For example, one of the seed passages states that "God receives us just as we are. But we don't receive ourselves in the same way. We don't love ourselves as we our. Our deepest work is not so much to improve ourselves as to realize ourselves, to see ourselves clearly and dearly." Then, the commentary on this passage concludes that, "The secret here is that we are not practicing being better than we are. We are simply practicing kindness toward who and what we are." I found some of the passages to be truly enlightening, while others failed to hit home. But overall, as I read this book, I found myself cheering on Shulman's message about being here, now, exactly as we are, with all our imperfections and warts. Forget about the notion of a single "Big Bang" or spiritual enlightenment, the Kosmic Orgasm that sets you free forever and lifts your spirit permanently into the clouds. That's not what life is about, that's not what being human is about, and while this sort of thing does occasionally happen to people, it doesn't happen because you want it to happen or try to make it happen. Again, be here now, with whoever you are with, doing whatever you are doing. Open a page, read a seed passage, and let Jason Shulman's wisdom flow into you. —Jordan Gruberon November 6, 2006 "Who knew that God seeks me? Who knew that humanity is Divine? This book makes me want to be human because it illuminates humanity and begs me to be exactly who I am, what I am, and where I am. It doesn't tell me how to rise above it. It's truly an instruction manual for loving myself, and in that process, I receive God." —Dianne L. Polsenoon October 17, 2006. "What a wonderful book, simple and clear from cover to page. Jason has been one of my most important teachers, and I have read all that he has published in the 10 years I've studied with him. Everything till now has educated me and assisted me on my spiritual path, but nothing has touched my heart as this book does. It is the very best of his teaching, soul to soul, heart to heart, breath to breath. More than words to study, these are words to soothe, inspire, remind, restore and heal all who are willing to take them in. It is a great gift to have the heart of his teaching accessible in a form I can pick up and partake of any time my soul needs a long, cool drink of reality. Definitely one of those desert island picks!" —Amazon Customer on October 10, 2006 "Easy reading, highly inspirational. Read it like drinking fine liquor - a little bit at a time, letting the words sink in and be carried on their wisdom on the days that follow." —R. Diamondon January 5, 2007 "Life is a journey to see how big our hearts can get." ~ Jason Shulman Jason Shulman presents short quotes and longer passages to open the heart to receiving God. He believes we are on this earth to awaken to God and that this life is the best teacher we can have to evolve as souls and awaken to our birthright. Making yourself available to God seems to be the main theme as God is ever present in our lives whether we are acknowledging his presence or still awakening to the knowledge of God's love. "Have compassion for your ego. It is doing two important jobs at once, which often puts it in agonizing conflict with itself. The ego's first job is to maintain the integrity of the individual, personal self. It simultaneously has the job of seeking out the larger view in which the personal self is only a part. Both are needed." ~Jason Shulman This book takes a variety of ideas and brings them into pure focus. For one, the issue of the ego is treated with a much more balanced approach. Various issues are not items to eradicate from our lives, but elements to nurture. A healing of the ego instead of an attempt to evolve away from the ego. This is explained by showing how the healed ego has moved away from being self-centered and alone to a more kosmocentric experience. Some of the issues addressed include: Joy, Suffering, Holiness, Freedom, Prayer, Awakening, Kindness, Unity, Duality, Enlightenment, Compassion and Limitlessness. Jason Shulman's Instruction Manual for Receiving God reads like a deep sigh of peace and is not only spiritually healing, it brings together a number of spiritual beliefs to form a more coherent whole and this brings emotional calm and a sense of completion. —The Rebecca Review, Amazon Hall of Fame, Top 500 Reviewer Vine Voice, November 21, 2006
The Work of Briah by Jason Shulman
Library Binding $27.89 B00LXMITPM (March 1998) ISBN-10: 1892192004 ISBN-13: 978-1892192004 Jason Jinen Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas.
The Set of the World (Monograph)
Library Binding: 34 pages Publisher: A Society of Souls Press (March 1, 1998) ISBN-10: 1892192012 ISBN-13: 978-1892192011 Jason Jinen Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas.
Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and the Five Universes Everybody Has an Opinion by Jason Shulman3/9/2006
Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and the Five Universes Everybody Has an Opinion by Jason Shulman
Audio Cassette $49.99 A Society of Souls Press 1892192004 Jason Jinen Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas.
Psalm #4 From Tefillin Psalms by Jason Jinen Shulman
If I need to bear this pain Let me fill it with water And float on it. If I need to sink in it, Let my lungs be huge And my breath deep and long And let me dive to the bottom. If I must drown in it, Dear God, let me swallow As much of it as I can And sink to You quickly, Rapid as a heartbeat In a bird sensing danger. If nothing like this is to happen, and I am making too much of it, and I am to walk step by step toward You, may I see the water and the breath and the bird as my illusions, and the pain I bear. as my ticket home. Tefillin Psalms (Poetry) Paperback: 36 pages Publisher: Society of Souls (1999) kabbalah.org Language: English ISBN-10: 1892192020 ISBN-13: 978-1892192028
The Master of Hiddenness: A Practical Commentary on the Prayer Adon Olam for the Restoration of Our Original Connection to God by Jason Shulman
Paperback $21.19 Society of Souls Jason Jinen Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas.
Grandma's Kitchen (Sep 1, 1985) by Jason Shulman
Hardcover $2700 Jason Jinen Shulman Bio Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com Of the new breed of spiritual teachers active in the public eye today, few are as inclusive ' or as provocative ' as Jason Shulman. His work defies labels and any attempts at simple definition. He is one of the most highly respected serious exponents of Kabbalah today. At the same time, he is a Buddhist teacher and Dharma lineage holder in the Zen tradition. He is dedicated to holding both of these ancient traditions in his work. Shulman's teachings are equally God-inspired and nondual. This uniquely open-hearted and spacious ability to span many positions and perspectives is the hallmark of the new spiritual paradigm he proposes for our world today. From his long grounding in the traditional spiritual training of Judaism and Buddhism, Shulman offers a fresh interpretation of the ancient paths to enlightenment and God-Realization. The new territory he unfolds with poetic eloquence includes both God and Boundlessness; the personal self and the Transcendent Self. Rather than speaking about enlightenment or God-realization as some sort of state or thing, he prefers the term 'awakening': a continuous moment by moment process that never ends. The path that Shulman offers is exceptionally well-suited for our life in the 21st century. He calls for commitment to being awake to Reality and to being fully human. At first glance, these might seem diametrically opposing aims, but in Shulman's map, they are the same destination, where living in the world and being with God are identical things seen from different standpoints. In Shulman's masterful and seamless integration, what initially seems like contentious spiritual or theological territory unfolds as a panoramic landscape. This level of development or awakening is what draws students from around the world to Shulman. Though many are new to spiritual work, most are long-time practitioners who come to learn how to work with their most profound spiritual questions and deepest longings. People also come to Shulman with the suffering of their everyday lives ' illness, chronic difficulty in relationships, lack of fulfilment at work, a longing to be of service to the world; sadness, loneliness, anxiety, fear and rage. His work is particularly helpful in this regard. The programs he has developed for A SOCIETY OF SOULS are specifically designed to bring together the spiritual heights of revelation and Ultimate Reality with the small and great trials and tribulations of contemporary human life. Shulman's work as a spiritual teacher is his primary, but not his only calling. He is dedicated to the process of healing and much of his spiritual work today is centered around teaching the powerful modalities of Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and The Work of Return, both of which he has developed. Alongside his spiritual and healing career, his earlier passion for music has remained undimmed. He is an accomplished singer and songwriter. Music for Shulman has always been a powerful way of expressing his personal knowledge of human suffering, longing, courage and joy. Currently, Shulman has two CDs of spiritual music. The first, 'The Great Transparency' was released in 1998 and his second, 'Buddha-Cloud' in 2005. Buddha-Cloud' is available online through omstream.com A new CD, 'Songs and Chants for Receiving God', will be in the music stores at the end of 2006. Produced by Gary Malkin, these chants and songs composed by Shulman contain in music the essence of his teachings. Nondual Healing and A Society of Souls Jason Shulman is an American spiritual teacher whose original work springs from his Judaic and Buddhist background. He is the founder of A Society of Souls: The School for Nondual Healing and Awakening, based in the United States and the Netherlands. There he teaches the distinctive body of nondual work he has developed to awaken the human spirit: Nondual Healing, Impersonal Movement and the Work of Return. Jason’s main concern has been to develop paths of healing the mind, body and spirit based on his own understanding of the difficulties inherent in the human condition. Through his studies and practice, Jason has developed a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence. His work seeks to translate this perspective into a replicable and clearly-delineated path for other seekers of truth to follow. He has been especially interested in applying personal spiritual work to methods of transforming society at large. To that end, he has created the MAGI Process, a nondual method of working with conflicts between people, institutions and governments. He is the author of numerous monographs and books, and several albums of his work as a singer and songwriter. More about his work can be found at www.societyofsouls.com The Foundation for Nonduality Library In 2014, The Foundation for Nonduality, a not-for-profit entity, was created to become the home of the Jason Shulman Library. The Foundation for Nonduality is dedicated to making the principles of nondual thinking and practice as articulated by Jason Shulman available to the greater public for the purpose of transforming the consciousness of individuals in order to help alleviate suffering in the world. Our hope is to educate individuals, professionals, families, groups, organizations, businesses, and those working in the area of conflict resolution. These principles and their practical application focus on the unitive connection between personal and transcendent consciousness as the foundational basis for change and healing. The Jason Jinen Shulman Library Over the past forty years of teaching, Jason Shulman has worked to reconcile the deistic or relative paths of liberation with the consciousness of Buddhism and other non-theistic paths to create a truly nondual path of healing, one that does not exclude any aspect of reality. His work emphasizes the healing of the personal ego and its rightful place in any path that seeks liberation from ignorance and the awakening of compassion. It also seeks to bring the truly human world, with its imperfections, into alignment with the realization of transcendent awareness. In this way we develop a conscious awakening to the sacredness of every sentient being and every time-bound moment. One of the central missions of The Foundation for Nonduality is to make these principles of nonduality available to a larger audience. This new perspective on nonduality is being used not only by seekers of awakening, but as new approaches that enliven a variety of other disciplines, from teaching to parenting, from law to business, to medicine and other health-oriented modalities and concerns. To deeply embody the nature of the inseparable connection between the personal and universal perspectives has powerful implications for personal as well as organizational healing. Nondual consciousness sees the world and the individuals that comprise it, with both their vast imperfections and their beauty, as a workable basis for healing and change based on reality-as-is, rather than a prescribed set of doctrines and ideas.
Kabbalistic Healing: A Path to an Awakened Soul
A guidebook to using the Kabbalah to transform our consciousness in order to heal the body, mind, and spirit • Describes a process of unification with God and the healing implications of that process for our daily life • Introduces four kabbalistic universes that form a topographical map of reality • Offers a unique perspective on human consciousness and the nature of existence from a leading modern kabbalist Kabbalistic Healing shows how the Kabbalah--the Jewish mystical path to knowing reality--can kindle the central fire in our being so that we can unite with the divine. It describes the ultimate healing possible for the human soul: an awakening to our true nature that makes our former life seem as if we have been asleep. The Kabbalah is not an advanced study; it is the first study, because it speaks directly to our fundamental desire to know what life is about. To Shulman, the Kabbalah is the living experience of our real self, the self that is always connected to God, the self that lives in God the way a fish lives in water. Kabbalistic Healing is about the process of unification, of joining with reality, and the implications of that process for daily life. It draws upon the author’s work at A Society of Souls, which promotes the belief that the ultimate form of healing is to create a unitive or nondual state of consciousness, integrating the healthy human ego into its proper relationship with transcendent reality. As we deepen our understanding of our true selves and enhance our ability to hold new states of consciousness, we are able not only to heal ourselves but to help heal others as well. “This lucid book of deep healing is a brilliant contribution to the spiritual literature bridging Eastern and Western thought. Shulman’s bigger view unifies seeking and being-there, path and goal, transcendence and immanence, with the joy of a true master.” —Lama Surya Das, founder of the Dzogchen Center and author of Awakening the Buddha Within) “Jason Shulman brilliantly integrates a deep psychological component with a profound understanding of the non-dual, absolute unity of the Divine Nature in a way that raises the reader’s soul to the highest potential of awareness. While traditional teachings tend to demean the ego-self, Shulman shows us the importance of our gift of self-awareness and how to come to peace with ourselves. Thus he leads readers to evoke a healing from our sense of fractured separation into a wholeness of being that has compassion for who we are and what we are. This is a must-read for anyone who wishes to learn the essence of kabbalistic teachings in the hands of a master of spiritual and psychological development.” —Rabbi David A. Cooper, author of God Is a Verb “Here is once and future wisdom as we meet the Jewish mystical tradition in its revelatory mapping of the nature of reality. Here too are practices that bring the reader closer to the nondual state of consciousness and awareness of the integral relationship between all things. Taken seriously, this profound work can only charge the spirit as it illumines the mind and heart.” —Jean Houston, Ph.D., author of Jump Time: Shaping Your Future in a World of Radical Change) “Jason Shulman is a true adept of the inner teachings. He offers a very sophisticated and dynamic account of what happens between the Kabbalah and the great, luminous transparency. To engage with Jason Shulman’s mind is to enter into the reality where true healing can occur.” —Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, leader of the Jewish Renewal Movement “Kabbalistic Healing is a great book about discovering wisdom within each of us. At a time when everyone in contemporary society is experiencing an information glut, what’s missing is a deeper understanding of life. Jason Shulman provides the reader with wisdom and insight for life’s journey.” —Stephan Rechtschaffen, cofounder and CEO of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies “Jason Shulman is a sincere, authentic practitioner of Kabbalah. The fruit of much inner work, the masterful teachings in this book resonate and come alive because he has truly experienced this wisdom from deep inside.” —Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, author of The Receiving: Reclaiming Jewish Women’s Wisdom and With Roo) “We can whole-heartedly embrace these pristine teachings of Jason Shulman, in particular Jason’s Massachusetts bagel shop experience, which conveys the true essence of Zen. Thank you, Jason, for your hard work. We all benefit. May we all live and be well.” —Shaka Kendo Rich Hart, Abbot of Clear Mountain Zen Center) “Jason Shulman is a living Kabbalist, a master who transcends the narrowness of academic Kabbalah and the superficiality of popular Kabbalah. He lives and breathes new life into the ancient tradition through the profound intuitions of his own awakened soul. This is one of those rare books that inspires you to live higher, deeper and better than you ever thought was possible. Accept Reb Jason’s invitation to your soul’s adventure, and you will have taken a critical step on your own path to healing and transformation.” —Rabbi Mordechai (Marc) Gafni, spiritual director of Bayit Chadash Community/Retreat Center, Israel,) "Kabbalistic Healing is especially recommended reading for those who are seeking a deeper and integrated understanding of themselves." —Margaret Lane, The Midwest Book Review) "Shulman shows how the Kabbalah...can kindle the central fire in our being so that we can unite with the divine....describes the ultimate healing possible for the human soul..." —The Arizona Healing Journal, Dec 2004 - Jan 2005) "...describes the ultimate healing possible for the human soul: an awakening to our true nature..." —Branches of Light, Spring-Summer-Fall 2005) "Kabbalistic Healing is about the process of unification, of joining with reality, and the implications of that process for daily life." —Branches of Light, Spring-Summer-Fall 2005) "This is a profound expression of how to be fully human and function in the world we live in. It is a kind path of discovering what we all seek, love,happiness,connection is already here within us; there is no where to get to and nothing to get "rid of". I love it!!" —Alice Forresteron March 7, 2016 "Absolutely fabulous, life changing. one of the most intelligent things I've read on consciousness." —Linda P. Mattsonon November 5, 2015 "Took me to dimensions not experienced before. Gave me a desire to seek further and answered many of my questions." —Bernardine Marie Fontanezon June 16, 2015 "Excellent, comprehendible description of Kabbalah healing. Easy to comprehend." —Patty, January 30, 2015 "I am very excited to say that this book has validated so much of what I have come to realize to be SO on my personal journey but never had the words to express it. It not only helped me identify core beliefs that kept me from receiving the Light it also helped me transend them. Healing is in the Knowing. This book has inspired me to inquire a bit further into Kabbalah and its teachings. If you are seeking answers I suggest you give it a read you may be amazed by how much you are already aware of." —Tina Mirandaon January 11, 2011 "This book is totally awesome. Sometimes it took a lot of contemplation. I enjoyed the teaching very much." —Angelfireon August 12, 2009 "Kabbalistic healing: A Path To An Awakened Soul by and modern kabbalist Jason Shulman (a recognized teacher in the Buddhist lineage of Shaka Kendo Rich Art, Abbot of the Clear Mountain Center and a faculty member of The New York Open Center, Esalen Institute, and Omega Institute) describes the ultimate healing possible for the human soul through an awakening of one true nature. Shulman covers the process of unification, of joining with reality, and the implications of that process for daily life. Kabbalistic Healing is especially recommended reading for those who are seeking a deeper and integrated understanding of themselves." —Midwest Book Review, December 6, 2004 Paperback: 192 pages Publisher: Inner Traditions (August 24, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 1594770158 ISBN-13: 978-1594770159
Medium Blog
Home of the Daily Peace Challenge. Learn about world peace - one word and one language at a time. (c) Kimberly Burnham, 2022 The Meaning of Peace in 10,000 Languages Looking for grant money to complete this peace project Kimberly Burnham, PhD (Integrative Medicine)
860-221-8510 phone and what's app. Skype: Kimberly Burnham (Spokane, Washington) [email protected] Author of Awakenings, Peace Dictionary, Language and the Mind, a Daily Brain Health and P as in Peace, Paix and Perdamiam: an Inner Peace Journal To Stimulate The Brain Kimberly Burnham, The Nerve Whisperer, Brain Health Expert, Professional Health Coach for people with Alzheimer's disease, Memory Issues, Parkinson's disease, Chronic Pain, Huntington's Ataxia, Multiple Sclerosis, Keratoconus, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Neuropathy, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries, Brain Health Coaching ... Contact Kimberly Burnham in Spokane Washington (860) 221-8510 [email protected]. Chat with Kimberly about Parkinson's, Poetry or other Brain related issues.
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Poet-In-Residence Position
I am looking for guest blog opportunities and a position as poet-in-residence. My current project is writing dictionary poems using words in different languages for the English word "peace." You can read some of my poems on Poemhunter . As poet-in-residence I would write poems on different words in different languages and broadcast them throughout the social media blogosphere. Each poem would link back to your site where the word or language appeared. I would expect some sort of stipend and a six month to one year placement. Please contact me for details if your organization is interested in having a poet-in-residence to help get your message out. [email protected] Buy the print or eBook, review Awakenings then contact Kimberly for a free 20 minute brain health consultation. Email or Phone
(Regular rates $120 per hour or 10 sessions for $650.) (Integrative Medicine)